Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A CARE Package for Christian

Extra police patrols were ordered Tuesday at the home of a newspaper editorial writer after a suspicious package was delivered there following a storm of criticism of a column he wrote about concealed weapons permits...

Trejbal's column Sunday was accompanied by an online database that listed the names and addresses of more than 135,000 Virginians who are licensed to carry concealed weapons...

Sisson said police will make extra patrols around Trejbal's house "until we feel there's no threat."
Ol' Christian seems a mite jumpy. There's no indication the package was intended as a threat. Think he might be having second thoughts on endangering his countrymen to get some cheap attention? And "extra patrols"? Why waste police resources defending someone who obviously considers himself too...French to defend himself? Does he really expect another man to endanger himself doing what he will not?


  1. Sounds like he's just getting himself some cheap publicity.

  2. I'd love to see someone post HIS name and address as a "gun-free" house and see how he likes his status to be known with certainty by the criminal element...

    Doug in Colorado

  3. Why aren't the police out giving extra protection to the 135 thousand other people Christian put in jeopardy?

  4. What a joke. The pro-freedom crowd calls him out, so what does he do but try to give the pro-freedom a black eye with this cowardly "they are sending a bomb to me" thing.

    I thought the Sunday editorial made it clear he had the intestinal fortitude to post the names of CCW holders no matter what. He was our knight in shining First Amendment armor.

    Now he runs away in fear of some mailing labels were on his porch?

    I love the article, too. "The brown cardboard box about 15 inches by 15 inches was full of mailing labels similar to those used by mail delivery services..." Yeah, thanks, we know what a mailing label looks like.

  5. What Rob Allen said.

    I think I mentioned before I didn't think Trejbal had any. Perhaps we should just call him Trej.

  6. So Christian lives in Christianburg? Isn't that too religious for such a lefty?

  7. So someone, possibly thinking he might want to send out some apologies, apparently went to DHL and had some shipping supplies dropped off for him and he panics?


    Sounds like the sort who'd jump at anything sent to his address.

  8. LMAO. He went from a breathtaking au contraire (insert limp-wristed hand wave here)in that loon giggle we've come to know and despise, to calling for help at the first sign someone might have taken umbrage at being looked down upon.

    Se la vie.

  9. the obvious question...would the police have responded as fast if he wasn't an authorized journalist?

  10. Hold on for a minute....I can't type from laughing so hard......................Damn, I'll get have to get back with you guys later.........

  11. He also has a full-time bodyguard and the Roanoke Times has moved him to an "undisclosed location."

    The funny thing is that, having read ALL of the comments to the article, not one of them was threatening. About the only thing that's being done 'to him' is that people are posting all of the personal information about him that can be found in the public domain. Karma is a b****.

  12. He's employing the typical of deflecting criticism by making oneself a victim.

    Lenin would be proud.

  13. His name and address ARE already published a number of places, including on my blog.


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