Thursday, March 08, 2007

Hanging Separately

Regular WarOnGuns correspondent HZ sent me an email regarding the proposed Illinois gun ban:
I don't even live in the stupid state and I get so incredibly mad.

Sent this out immediately to 6 gun owners / shooters and this was the response ....

1 Hunter/Skeet shooter said it's not going to affect him.

1 SWAT-medic said he would be exempted

1 Air Force reservist mocked me to my face by saying, "Oh no! The G is coming to take my guns way! Oh no! Not my machine gun! ha ha" ..... etc. We then settled down to a lengthy discussion in which I was unable to convince him of anything. He said I am not educated enough to decide/comment on legal issues. Lawyers, judges and legislators do that for me ..... blah, blah, blah .....

1 Co-Worker is too busy getting a house built to call anyone

1 Co-Worker .... no response

1 Co-Worker called and emailed his state senator

These were all people that I thought were friendly enough towards gun rights. I've either shot with them or know that they own firearms. Living in the state of Illinois must be poisonous to the mind and to reason.

I fear we will be unable to keep this republic.
We are constantly admonished that criticizing those in the gun community can be divisive, that we must hang together...

Aside from the one guy who did the right thing, why would we want to have anything to do with the rest of these intentionally ignorant parasites?


  1. HZ's grim assessment is hard to dispute--we face a wrestling match with most of the gun owners, just to try to get them in on the fight against the disarmers.

    I'm trying to get the word out that SB 16 would ban all semi-automatic shotguns (because it bans semi-auto shotguns with a mag capacity of more than five rounds, and six 1.75" Aguila "Minishells" will fit in any magazine that can hold four 2.75" shells), but not many folks are going to hear me.

  2. If someone, especially a gun owner, taunted me to my face like that one guy did, he'd be lucky if he didn't wake up on the ground, wondering how he'd gotten there.

    It's idiots like these that we don't need in our cause!

  3. Some how, some way, we need to awaken our fellow citizens to the TRUTH. We cannot afford to throw up our arms in disgust claiming 'it is no use'! Our freedom, nay, our very lives and liberties absolutely depend on it.

    Only approx. 7% of our forebears rose and fought off the British during the Revolution. They had to battle similiar, if not incredibly more, fellow citizens whom were detractors to the cause.

    "It doesn't require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires to people's minds." - Samuel Adams

  4. The Air Farce Reservist is one of the stupidest people I have ever heard of. He isn't fit to live unsupervised. Sounds like he should be locked away for life in the Elgin Mental facility.

  5. "If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." —Samuel Adams

    Sam Adams was what first came to mind while reading of these sorry excuses for "free" men. It would be interesting to hear what they "think" after the firestorm starts on the ground they left dry even in the face of being warned but I don't expect to live long enough to find out. When they outlaw any gun I currently own I am just going to be busy lighting matches.

  6. I don’t hold a lot of hope or respect for people that only want to get out the other end of life with the least effort and no concern for the conditions they leave their children or grandchildren.

    I have heard far too many tell me, unashamedly, that they just didn’t care. Those conditions would be their childrens’ problems because “I will be dead, and not care.”

    They were unashamed of that attitude, not in one case. So, I don’t rely on them to have my back. Hell they don’t care about their own kids, so long as their lives are relatively comfortable and they can live a normal span without the stress of duties incumbent upon men. Why would they care about anything else if they don't even love their own children.

    If expecting men to act like men and not lower form males is wrong, them I am wrong. But I will never believe it.

    I have spent my life trying to emulate good men I have known, who didn’t think they were being macho because they tried to do no harm and if possible leave their part of the world better for their having been there. They would sometimes despair of their duty, but never shirk it. I have too much respect for them to dilute it pretending respect for lesser males who shirk their duties.

    So, E. David as you have implied we must try to awaken our fellow citizens to the TRUTH, but if a male reaches maturity and doesn’t understand his duty to his posterity he is most likely unreachable on any level. He will let better men than himself secure his blessings, and think he was the smarter for it.

    So, we must try, for the odd one out who never understood, for lack of exposure, but has the capacity to comprehend and the willingness to walk the walk once he does. But we should waste no more effort on those who know and don’t care.

    Those non-concerned are, unfortunately, the majority of the uncommitted and are weak reeds under the best of conditions, and absolutely useless when called upon to stand for principle, especially if it requires an investment of courage or commitment.

  7. HZ's frustrations remind me of a co-worker back in the 2000 election. He was voting for Al Gore, because Al would get the "bad" guns off the street, but "he won't take my hunting shotgun" because it isn't "bad."

    Even though we worked for the auto industry in Michigan, this co-worker also thought there would be no problem voting for the man who wanted to ban the internal combustion engine - an important element in a car - because Gore "would make sure we'd have always have a job."

    What else could I say? I could only share the immortal words of Dean Wormer, "Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son."


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