Friday, March 23, 2007

We're the Only Ones Never Disciplined Enough

He told the Chicago Tribune that his client had completed a substance abuse treatment program and had never been disciplined since joining the police department in 1994.
We discussed this "Only One" yesterday as we watched him manfully beat a woman less than half his size into the floor, as other disarmed Chicago men manfully stayed out of it and let it happen.

Now we find this:
Authorities are investigating whether anyone tried to bribe or threaten a bartender to dissuade her from pressing charges against an off-duty police officer accused of beating her in an attack caught on camera, police said Thursday...

The state's attorney's office and internal police investigators are looking into claims that Abbate and at least one other person threatened Obrycka, as well as the owner of the bar, Bond said.

The threats included telling the bar owner that illegal drugs could be planted on the premises and that Jesse's Short Stop customers would be harassed, according to Obrycka's attorney, Terry Ekl.

One can only wonder why the "authorized journalists" are evidently content to let the "authorities" do the investigating.
After all, these are the same authorities who evidently didn't cuff the animal when they took him into custody. Professional courtesy, you know.

And as for never being disciplined, that's hard to do when you give the guy a pass on a DUI. Oh, and then there's this gem. It appears this animal was "named in a federal lawsuit for beating a man under arrest in 1999. The man later died."

But he was never disciplined.

Does anybody really think he would have been "disciplined" this time if there hadn't been a camera on the premises?

When are idiot Chicagoans who provide the fuel for the tyrannical Daley machine going to wake up? And when are Illinois gun owners going to send a line in the sand message to Springfield, telling them in no uncertain terms that Chicago disarmament will not be tolerated outside of Cook county?


  1. Lots of talk about the men standing by doing nothing. I live in Chicago so let me explain something. First the fat slob had a gun, you take a swing at him and miss, he shoots you dead and the cops say "good shoot" because you attacked one of "them". Second if you connect and cold cock the guy the cops show up, cuff you, take you outside and beat the shit out of you i.e. face first into the curb, no teeth, etc. Then you go to county jail where will get the shit beat out of you hourly. THE ONLY THING that saved that girl was the security camera. Without that film she would be the one in trouble. It's not uncommon for a chicago cop to tell you to fuck off for asking a question.

  2. That makes David's argument all the stronger.

    "When are idiot Chicagoans who provide the fuel for the tyrannical Daley machine going to wake up?"

    Cops are agents of the state , county or local government. If cops are abusive, and the people can't defend themselves, well, viola! We often focus on potential tyranny from the Federal government against an unarmed populace. Here we already have plenty of evidence that local governments can be tyrannical against the unarmed citizenry.

  3. Always remember safety tips from the Illinois State Police website:

    If you must fight

    Use of a firearm to protect yourself or property is not recommended.

    Use your keys or a rat tail comb.

  4. Anon, we understand the situation. We don't understand why you tolerate it.

  5. I saw the video with absolute disgusts of two things, the first being the brutality of the beating that poor woman took. The other is that there was at least two other guys just standing there doing nothing.

    That bothered me the most, for I would if there done something anything.

  6. It's sad to remember that the people of Chicago vote in the politicians who make (or let) the cops act as they do. If the people of Chicago really wanted to change things, how long would it take to vote in a crew with better attitudes?

  7. No one knew that he was a cop or armed at the time, anon, although it is fair to say that he was out of control and using potentially lethal force, so what, really, is the difference?

    The first step toward addressing cowardice is to recognize it--not make excuses for, that is, enable it.

    I would have intervened.

    Hollow words from the safety of my keyboard? How do I know?

    I know because I have intervened--in situations where the odds were worse than this and I knew it at the time.

  8. Dave,
    They all knew he was a cop. It's a cop bar. I do believe you would have intervened. I also believe that you would have gotten your ass kicked once the cuffs were on. For cying out loud, they wouldn't even handcuff the guy AFTER they saw the video. They charged him with a misdemeanor AFTER they saw the video. The only reason they upped the charges was because the video was released to the public a MONTH later. They threatened her and the owner of the bar! Imagine the scenario if not for the video. You, Dave, would be in the Cook county jail with eight thousand other friends, she would be in jail on a phony drug bust, her car seized, life ruined and facing deportation. The good news is that this video is the most powerful argument to the right to bear arms I have ever seen. An agent of the state, out of control, beating a helpless woman. If this fails to wake up the people, especially women, then we are all doomed. Checkout the website "second city cop" for updates. They are the good guys in the department.

  9. Bet they didn't show this mother....., in action in the mainstream media, except in the region.

    Where the fuck are all those authorized journalistic watchdogs?

    One other thing, when you know you are dealing with cops that don't care, they must believe, without a doubt that they will pay a heavy price, no matter what price you pay. Been there, done that.

  10. Anon, a prudent man would never intervene in a potentially lethal situation where he assumed he was not going to prevail.

    If the assumption is we will lose in all such situations, we may as well surrender now.

    Trust me when I say I hold no false confidence or bravado. I do know one thing intimately well, and that is my limitations. Please don't assume that you do.

    And please don't assume that I'm not a prudent man.


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