Thursday, April 19, 2007

Butchers With Immaculate Hands

These butchers with immaculate hands are, to my mind, just as guilty as the shooter. They are the enablers of mass murder, by setting up a huge "free fire kill zone" where any criminal KNOWS IN ADVANCE he's not at risk; where anyone who has the temerity to try to obtain the legal means to protect himself or others is prosecuted as if he is the criminal. In today's body count do we see today the inevitable fruits of the insanity of gun control.
Mike Vanderboegh has some thought on shared culpability for the Virginia Tech massacre.


  1. Folks,

    Below you will find Mr. Denton's reply to my email to him entitled "Butchers With Immaculate Hands," which is posted above. After it is my rejoinder, "Bridge Out Ahead."

    Mike Vanderboegh

    Subj: RE: Denton, et al: "Butchers With Immaculate Hands"
    Date: 4/18/2007 12:16:29 PM Central Daylight Time
    Sent from the Internet (Details)

    Thank you, Mr. Vanderboegh, for writing. Clearly we disagree on this topic, I trust respectfully. It's a complex issue, and reducing it to simplistic appeals to one-dimensional history lessons and woodshed constitutional construction won't solve it. Our heritage and greatest legacy as a nation, however, has been to seek and find common ground on those perils that confront us all. Let us try to reason together. Best wishes.

    Tommy Denton
    The Roanoke Times
    (540) 981-3327

    Subj: Re: Denton, et al: "Bridge Out Ahead."
    Date: 4/18/2007 5:03:27 PM Central Daylight Time
    From: GeorgeMason1776

    Mr. Denton,

    Well said, if flawed from my point of view. Unfortunately, many of us have come to the conclusion that we now inhabit two different countries, divided along the fault lines of respect for life (abortion), liberty (taxes and guns), morality (Hollywood ethics and gay marriage) and even truth (”the meaning of is”). "Woodshed constitutional construction" is, in our world-view, a derisive and disrespectful way to speak of the bedrock foundational document of our republic. The main point is that we have grown so far apart in our two respective world views that the only thing that might prevent ultimate bloodshed is to agree to disagree as individual states.

    If the people of Massachussetts wish to kill their unborn, codify sodomy, seize their citizens' firearms and other sections of liberal boilerplate, then the folks of Alabama ought to be able to ban abortion, refuse to recognize offical sodomy, enhance their citizen's right to keep and bear arms, etc., without interference.

    Unfortunately, the collectivist imperative of modern day "liberalism", which bears no relation to classical liberalism, will never consent to leave the rest of us alone. Your proposal to repeal the 2nd Amendment is one such example. Given that, what is there to "reason together" about? Of course, it is not your fault that you don't recognize the coming trip-wire. We conservatives and libertarians, gunnies in particular, have allowed your side to push us back from the free exercise of our rights for decades without shoving back.

    What we are now faced with is becoming a minority within our own country, with our backs to the wall, especially if Bush, Kennedy, et al, get their illegal alien amnesty bill. We have only survived in national politics this long because you liberals have been killing your children for thirty years and thus we were able to barely hold our own at the polls. With the influx of 40 to 60 million high-birth rate third-world folks who are comfortable with corrupt politicians, nationalized industry and ward boss giveaways just before elections, we will have no hope of electing a small-government, free market, pro-liberty national candidate ever again. Ever.

    You will get your repeal of the 2nd Amendment given that probable future, and then we will all find out about the inexorable Law of Unintended Consequences. I would urge you to pay attention to what I am saying. Think of this with the same adrenaline-rush intensity that you would if you were speeding down a winding, wind-swept country road at night and all of a sudden you caught a glimpse through the rain of sign saying: "Bridge Out Ahead".

    We are, for the moment, fellow Americans. I urge you to reconsider where you wish us to go, for though you may eventually persuade the majority of politicians and their constituencies to go there, we will not. And then we will fight. And you will lose, because ever since the Civil Rights movement, liberals haven't been willing to die for their causes. They would rather assign that task to government agents. We on the other hand have no such unwillingness to put ourselves on the line.

    If that's "woodshed constitutional construction", then be prepared to be taken out back of it for the old-fashioned whuppin'. Absent some sort of federal "Missouri Compromise" where y'all agree to leave us alone and we agree to leave you alone, state by state, there really is nothing our two countries can negotiate about. We may share a past, we do not, cannot and WILL NOT share your intended anti-liberty collectivist future.

    "Bridge Out Ahead."

    Hope you spot it in time.

    Mike Vanderboegh
    Pinson, AL

  2. Man that guy can write.

    Mike you sure can turn a phrase.


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