Thursday, April 26, 2007

Jerry Adler Wets Pants for Newsweek

Many ordinary citizens now have 9-millimeters for protection as well, which means, inevitably, that they get used to settle arguments between spouses or friends.
Right, and we know they're never used to save lives, right, Jerry? They're just too dangerous for "ordinary citizens," and we're so stupid and out of control, why, we'd just use them to "settle arguments." It's not like we possess anywhere near the awesome intellect, judgment and morality of, say, "The Only Ones" who do.

Being an "authorized journalist" and all, you'd tell us if there was another side to the story--wouldn't you? Because otherwise, that would make you just another lying shill for Brady Campaign propaganda who has cast all journalistic ethics to the side in favor of cushy writing gigs for a national magazine. I want to believe better of you, Jer.

Regardless, it's nice to see the 9mm has regained the crown for "weapon of choice." A while back, I was getting worried...

Anybody else notice--while the title is "Story of a Gun," the window tab says "The Weapon: A Day in the Life of a 9mm"?

"The Life"? I guess these must be those self-activating guns we're always hearing about on the news that just go off and kill and kill and kill again?

[Via HZ]

1 comment:

  1. "In the hands of a novice shooter, as NEWSWEEK's Raina Kelley discovered at a Connecticut gun range last week, it delivers a fearsome kick, which leads to anticipatory flinching, causing the barrel to drop and the shot to miss low."


    My Hollands, Normas, and Rigbys don't kick as far as I've ever noticed except the Contender versions. My 1911s don't kick much...

    These people must be sniffing too much white out.


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