Monday, April 23, 2007


Three fairly small words. One massively important concept.
Joe's Crabby Shack pegs it: You're either a sovereign individual with the imagination and courage to act independently or you're just a part of the herd. This is really what it all distills into. This is what "liberty" means, and it's why the "collective rights" revisionists are so wrong.

Go read this post and decide what you'd like to do today, tomorrow, and in the days to follow to make a difference for freedom as Just. One. Person.


  1. Great post with one correction suggested.

    "But in those classrooms and residence halls in Blacksburg, Virginia, Just. One. Person. with a legally licensed carry pistol could have made all the difference in the world to 32 people."

    Just. One. Person. with any weapon, (il)legally licensed or not, willing to engage the threat, could have made a world of difference to all the world.

    There is no such thing as a legally licensed pistol. There are no illegal guns, just illegal gun laws.

    Do not sip the koolaid. Do not even sniff it. Throw it away and educate those selling it.

    The same way you must ask how safety features make a rifle an assault weapon?

  2. Just sell has a 212 degrees line.

    At 211 degrees, water is hot.

    At 212 degrees, water boils.

    Let's turn, "Let's Roll", into, "Let's Boil".

    Lukewarm water is no good for drinking or cooking. Water needs to be cold or hot to be desireable and/or useful.

    Turn up the HEAT!

  3. Good catch on the "licensed pistols," Anon--I missed that bit.

  4. It is amazing, as I scan across the internet from one blog to another, everywhere I've gone, the sentiments are the same. They might be approached from differing directions, but the destination is still the same. I too wrote a post with the very same message, but broached from my own unique angle. Every poll I've seen indicates that the American people overwhelmingly object to gun controls, but our politicians just don't seem to get it. Then you look at the abysmal options we've been presented with as canidates for president... Ranging from Hitlery Klintoon to Mitt (I been huntin' all my life, oops I meant twice) Romney. It really is quite depressing.


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