Friday, April 20, 2007

We're the Only Ones Minimizing a Lot More Losses Enough

SMERCONISH: Well, wait a minute. I think you`re speaking my language now when you say we need to arm the general public. Is your thought process that we`d be better served if more individuals, law abiding Americans, were carrying firearms so that they could take down whomever it is that perpetrated these acts?

BROWN: You bet, Michael. I`m one of those people. Yes, I do believe that.

SMERCONISH: OK, well, that makes two of us. And I imagine, Lieutenant Rogers, we may not get a beef out of you on that?

ROGERS: Well, the problem with that is, that, when the police, who are well trained to deal with these situation, enter into a dorm, who`s the shooter? Who`s the killer? Who`s the murderer?

You know, it`s an easy fix to say, well, let`s arm everyone. But we`ve got to be concerned about how many more lives could be lost. These police officers, and I agree with Pat, you know, they`re reacting to a tragic situation. But what they did, what these officers did this morning was no doubt minimize a lot more losses that could have been incurred by this suspect.

No doubt. "Only Ones" crouching behind trees while victims are being slaughtered works every time.

[Via Whose Paranoid]


  1. ROGERS: Well, the problem with that is, that, when the police, who are well trained to deal with these situation, enter into a dorm, who`s the shooter? Who`s the killer? Who`s the murderer?

    Seems pretty straight forward: He's one of the dead ones.

  2. A question for Mr. Rogers regarding the above quote atributed to him.
    Is it your contention, Mr. Rogers, that your officers are so totaly inept and un-trained, -not to mention so totaly lacking in common sense- that they will be unable to take controle of a situation and figure out -thru standard police investigation methods- just whom the VICTIM is? The one noun you failed to mention in that quote?
    If so, how can we have any confidense in their abilities in any other aspect of their job?


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