Thursday, April 05, 2007

Where are All the 2nd Amendment Supporters?

Now, here is the part where I’m starting to get frustrated. Red’s has started an online petition asking for fair treatment of FFL dealers. This has been out there for a few weeks and there are only a little over 2000 signatures on it as I write this. There should be tens of thousands on it by now! Is this information just not getting out to the gun owning public? I know Red’s is doing everything they can to get the word out. But surprisingly, many of the outlets that should be jumping on this are remaining silent. Hello? NRA? Would it hurt to return a call or add this to one of your ILA action alerts? I have written to them and… nothing.

In another development that disturbed me a bit:
But coincidence is just what Mountain Man's owner is calling it.

"There are big differences," said owner Gary Painter. "Red's had been told before they had to make corrections on things they were doing wrong."

Y'know, Mr. Painter, I'll assume you didn't quite mean what this implies, because otherwise, it looks like...Nahh. You were probably just quoted out of context. Right?

In another development, Red's Marketing Director, Ryan Horsley, has agreed to a WarOnGuns interview. It'll be the same format as with Matt Bracken and David Hardy, that is, after the "formal" interview, you'll have a chance to ask him a question of your own via the post's "Comments."

I'll be preparing and conducting the interview over the weekend, and will probably post it next Monday or Tuesday, depending on Ryan's availability. Stay tuned and I'll make sure to announce the date.

In the mean time, if you haven't already signed the petition, please go do so now--and please recruit your gun-owning friends to do so as well.

[Via chareltonhest]


  1. As pointed out to me by C.H. over at When we have supposed "Right's supporters" like these on our side. It is amazing that there is even ANY semblance of Freedom or Liberty left at all.

  2. JPFO did send out an alert on this.


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