Monday, April 02, 2007

You Can Concealed Carry and You Can Open Carry, But...

A Sandusky man was charged with improper handling of a firearm even though he had a license to carry it...He was reportedly seen carrying his hand gun in his front pants pocket, even though he said he was trying to keep it out of sight.

I don't get what the "crime" is here. He can argue that he placed the gun on the dashboard to comply with the arrest by voluntarily disarming. And I love the way the "authorized journalist" describes the arrest protocol as "asking him to back up and drop to his knees before they handcuffed him."

What if he'd said "No"?


  1. Dollars to doughnuts they are going to try and hang a brandishing charge on him. Open carry is legal, true, but if he was carrying it concealed and it still showed, then it's brandishing in many states. There's out in the open or well hidden and anything in the middle gives the police gran mal seizures.

    It'll still be a hard sell to any self respecting city attorney, as intent does play a large part in brandishing charges, but we ALL pretty much know how most cops respond to an iffy situation.

    Cuff 'em and book 'em.

  2. Pure police-statise BS. There should be no permit required in the fist place. Cecondly, why the hell is a servant authorized to disarm their master>?


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