Saturday, May 19, 2007

4 of 5 Demand to be Disarmed

In the wake of the Virginia Tech massacre, Hudson County residents say they strongly support more stringent gun laws, according to a recent Jersey Journal/New Jersey City University poll.
Pretty meaningless, if you consider that those wanting more probably don't have a clue as to what exists now, or know much about firearms in general and the arguments supporting an armed populace.

I'll bet if you polled people 500 years ago, an even higher percentage would insist the Earth is flat and the center of the universe.

Every time I hear our president or some other politician extol "democracy," I shake my head.


  1. Look, Kommisar! Propaganda of press is working!

    Da, Komrade! Is good we own press!

  2. That's why they are called "opinion polls" not "fact polls"...


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