Friday, May 04, 2007

Ignoring the Obvious

The single biggest factor that could have changed the outcome was an armed defense. It had the best chances of stopping the attack, regardless of all the unknowns, because it could have been done at exactly the moment when his intent became obvious.
WarOnGuns comment poster TJH reaffirms my belief that sometimes I just need to shut up and get out of you folks' way. I'm really privileged to have visitors of the quality most of you exhibit on a daily basis.


  1. "Be careful, because when “crazies” can be denied inalienable rights, I guarantee you the government’s definition of “crazies” will expand over time. Well-meaning legislation combined with incrimentalism has denied many honest citizens their rights"

    The Feds have already re-defined, "Terrorist". If you are, a "suspected terrorist", you can be arrested, jailed (their choice of location), and held without any rights (as though you have any left), for as long as they choose.

    Go to your homes, there's nothing to see here.

  2. You can't get out of our way. You are the guidon. We muster to the colors.

  3. David,

    And a BIG thank you for your blog. I cannot tell you what a life-raft it is, as sometimes it feels like gun-rights people are drowning in a sea of compromising "allies".

    People don't realize what a few words can do to a person. Words can kill. It is quite a blow to the whole patriot movement when everywhere you look you see capitulating attitudes amongst your own. And coming here to read your writings, and the writings of others is a major boost to moral.

    Please don't ever underestimate the importance of this place.

    Sincerely, C.H.


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