Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Message for Gun Dealers: STOP BEING STUPID

The owners of Keller Gun Works Inc. pleaded guilty to firearms violations stemming from the sale of a rifle to an undercover federal agent and allowing another person to complete the required paperwork, U.S. Attorney Catherine Hanaway said Tuesday.
Yes, I know, this regulation is an infringement. But for right now, it is what it is, and we're seeing far too many gun shops getting closed down because the people behind the counter think cutting corners is going to get them something besides a world of hurt. I can't believe experienced dealers with a proprietary interest in their business and their freedom acted this negligently.

It's not rocket science. There are forms that need to be properly and completely filled out, ID that needs to be produced, a check that needs to be run, records that need to be kept. There are practices to follow and behaviors to beware that everyone is well aware of--and if not, is too damned oblivious to trust anyway.

Note to gun dealers and their employees: In case you haven't noticed, BATFU is doing its best to close you down and prosecute you with criminal charges and financial penalties. They are strongly motivated, they will mess you up nine ways from Sunday, and they will enjoy the experience.

Deal courteously with all customers, but always bear in mind they may be agents, they may be informants--even long time customers and "friends"--you don't know who's got what on them, and they may be turning you over to save themselves. That's the way it works--that's why they call this sort of thing "corruption."

Don't be tempted by the prospect of a sale to cut corners. Whatever benefit you perceive just ain't worth the risk if it turns out you're being set up. And be prepared to summarily fire any employee who jeopardizes your business.

I can't believe it's me endorsing anyone to obey "gun laws," but there it is--we need to live with the reality, not in my fantasy "maybe someday" world of going down to the local hardware store and picking up an MP5.


  1. David Codrea,

    You DID NOT just write this!

    Who got to you? What happened?


  2. Yes, of course I did.

    Why the insults?

    Tell you what--you give your advice to gun stores to keep them from getting shut down and I'll post it.

  3. Getting an FFL is making a deal with the devil, but is a reality for any gun dealers who want to operate above-ground. If someone chooses to be a "legitimate" gun dealer in today's police-state atmosphere, they know what the score is and had better be sure to dot the "i"s and cross the "t"s even though the BATFEces are the obvious criminals here. I pity gun dealers today, but I also avoid buying from them because I don't wish to have my info turned over to the authoritards. It is simply a case of covering my own backside, just as it is for the dealers.

  4. Kent is exactly right--if you can benefit from private sales vs through an FFL, that's the way to go. But if you're going to set up a brick and mortar gun shop, disregarding and even flouting "the rules" is a surefire way to be destroyed.

  5. Just a thought--could some of the gun shop employees who make these sales be themselves (deep) undercover BATFU agents? Probably an excess of conspiracy theory paranoia on my part, but wouldn't it be a perfect way to set up a shop--infiltrate a fed into the shop as a clerk, then send another fed in as a "customer"?

  6. This business will drive someone to utter paranoia, I am constantly listening in on my employees conversations with customers. Drilling them on procedures, we do not offer commission on firearm sales because I do not want them to be tempted to make a sale they question, because it is not their butt on the line but ours.
    It is the same as the undercover stings that they do on bars (I used to be a Bartender)it is the Owner who pays the price, the employee just goes to work somewhere else.

  7. Why are you helping the feds enforce their compliance efforts if you are so opposed to them David?
    This dealer got busted unfortunately. Maybe he was an arrogant jerk, maybe was just sloppy, maybe temptation got to him, maybe he just got sick of the bull. Whatever the reason, he does not deserve this. These laws are wrong. We should not have these bastard agents running around being evil and launching CIs and undercover efforts. We should not have all this paperwork...heck, look at Reds and what he just posted: You cannot be careful enough. If there isn't a reason, they'll create one. You could go insane and paranoid trying to comply with uncompilable

    It's not so much that you made a post warning people of what not to do if they want to remain unmolested, it is the attitude of how you said it.

    In the way you wrote the article, you are attacking an American citizen for noncompliance. To me, that is aiding the enemy. You are doing the same things the feds do when they move into an area and make an example of someone.

    It's cultural the "Geriatrics" the ATF decided to bring down when they were selling guns at Flea Markets. Even after being given warnings, theses fellows, some in their 80s, would not stop selling weapons. Would you attack them for being "stupid" because they failed to adapt and "live with the reality of things", or would you use the opportunity to help cultivates outrage?

    Your blog is one of the only ones I have any respect for because you have been one of the very, very few Patriots left that actually "gets it".

    Please do not fall away.

    Sincerely, C.H.

  8. I don't think you read what I actually said very carefully, including the caveats which make clear I don't endorse gun edicts but acknowledge ignoring them when you are in a visible position is suicidal. I think you are reading your emotions into words that don't say what you feel they say.

    My goal is to help gun dealers stay open--you want that, don't you? You of all people should know they are under attack as never before with the intent to shut them down. These dealers in question are getting shut down because they did not act with any sense of what it takes to survive, and I intend to use plain words not to hurt the ones in the story, who indeed acted with boneheaded neglect for their own well-being, but to maybe make enough of an impression to save some future dealer from being destroyed. And by Ryan's post, you can see he didn't take offense, he admits it is a constant struggle to comply. That's simply the reality of the situation we are living under.

    Point out one fact I stated that is wrong.

    I repeat my invitation: Write a short article outlining for gun dealers how to stay in business that offers any different advice and I'll post it.

    I stand by what I wrote and the way it is written.

  9. Along these lines, we just got visited from the ATF (they just left our store). My employee documented the supervisor saying to the other agents: "We'll do this again and again and again until this is done. I mean done. Sooner or Later it will be done, something will be found."

    They were saying that they could not determine what kind of a firearm a Winchester 1300 12 gauge was that had the action listed as "pump". They did not know if it was a Rifle or a Shotgun or handgun.

    This is the crap that Dealers are dealing with and unfortunately we have to play by their rules. It is like a sick game of football, where the rules change, the End Zone changes and YOU WILL NOT WIN!! Because they will change the rules until you lose. But when you suit up anymore and decide to open a store you better know this. That is why so many are getting fed up with it and giving up.

  10. "I don't endorse gun edicts but acknowledge ignoring them when you are in a visible position is suicidal."

    Some issues are worth dying over... And we actually aren't talking death, just the lose of another gun store.

    "My goal is to help gun dealers stay open--you want that, don't you?"

    Actually, NO. You sound like you belief that if all gun stores closed tomorrow there wouldn't be a critical mass of gun owners pissed off enough to make a difference? But you DO think the continued piddling away of gun stores over the previous 20 years and the next 20 years IS the preferred path to regaining another unalienable right???

    Besides, look into the drug war. The outlawing of drugs increases the ease with which citizens can obtain the same.

    Standing up in mass is the key to stopping continual infringements. Any gun store refusing to follow these unconstitutional laws should be put on a pedestal. We are walking down the path to hell because each canary who feels the impending doom and changes direction gets beaten down. But a critical mass refusing to follow unconstitutional laws CAN make a difference.

    I do understand why you created this post. It generally does appear to "just make sense". But I think if you had more time to think on this issue you might change your mind. If not now, when should private citizens start refusing to play the game? Who are any of us to judge when is the right time for a freeman to start acting accordingly?

  11. Red,
    I concur on the moving end zones. I'm one of the ones that quit. Got tired of the death of a million paper cuts.

    Right or wrong, do not intentionally flout an agency that will attempt to take away your livelihood, as well as freedom if possible, for checking the wrong box on a form or using abbreviations instead of full words.

    Got tired of dealing with the devil. Got tired of obvious attempts at entrapment. But I did learn the useful skill of how to pick out a BATman from a crowd of people or a friendly barbecue in under 5 minutes.

  12. someone said Standing up in mass is the key to stopping continual infringements. Any gun store refusing to follow these unconstitutional laws should be put on a pedestal.

    Friends of mine did that and are in Federal Prison or on parole and can't own guns anymore at all.

    Once you get that critical mass thing happening, let me know.

    FFL is like a driver's license. You asked for it and you agreed to it's rules and likely knew they are ever-changing. It's tacit admission to the validity of the current structures and laws. No more no less. If you don't want the hassle, don't get a license.

  13. I worked in a different subject area for a long time - criminal tax cases.

    Lots of people who were "right" have gone to prison and lost their rights.

    Don't be cannon fodder. It serves NO purpose.

    I encourage C.H. and people with his beliefs to take it to the mat. Guess what? You will be fighting the LARGEST LAW FIRM IN THE WORLD.

    I describe people who think they can win that fight as being as opinionated as they are uninformed. It's the exuberance that comes from inexperience. People who wanted to make a “point” are now in jail, and out of the fight.

    Fight smart. Don't violate federal statutes and regulations and expect to "win."

    Sorry. It just won't happen.

    Unless, of course, you are an "only one."

    Pick fights that you can win, or don’t pick them at all.

    If you haven’t noticed, it’s the jury - essentially your neighbors - who will put you away.

    People like DC are doing a hell of a service. Don’t deride them for speaking the truth.

    Just take a look over the past year at the articles on WOG documenting the people who have lost, who just KNEW they would win. The JURY put them in jail.

    Just my 2 cents worth….

  14. I do fear that only bloodletting will correct the situation. That is when you will know that the en masse psyche has been pushed too far.

    As much as I would hate to see it, I have never known a bully or a criminal that could be made to re-examine his actions without the use of physical force. I bet you haven't either.

    If you are not ready to exercise that option in support of those wronged you should at least be understanding of the need for them to avoid the full weight of the opposition alone.

    Let me know when you mount an offensive.

  15. As far as Red's goes, the sheriff of the county has the power to tell the BATFE to get the fuck out of his county and to seek his permission and cooperation if they wish to operate in his jurisdiction.

    He has the power, I doubt he has the balls. But you might want to give him his chance to live to his oath.


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