Sunday, May 20, 2007

There's a Difference Between Confusion and Ignorance

Some commentators who oppose what they see as unconstitutional limits on gun ownership said they feared gun control advocates would successfully use the Virginia tragedy to bolster their position, especially with Democrats’ new power in Washington. 'We see calls for gun control but we may not see as much empathy for calls for armed self-defense,' said David Codrea, a blogger and a columnist for Guns Magazine.
What confuses me is why these same people that will not budge on the defense of their second amendment rights, seem to be able to sleep through the suspension of habeus corpus included in the Military Commissions Act and the dilution of the Bill of Rights by the PATRIOT Act and continue to support the politicians that recommend, pass, and enact into law such legislation. Of what possible use is a basement full of assault weapons without the right to peaceable assembly or freedom from warrantless searches? Where is their righteous indignation when rights cherished by all Americans are infinged.
You obviously don't know anything about me, or the countless gun owners I identify with who celebrate a "Bill of Rights Culture."

Here's another example of self-imposed ignorance:
It also never seems to occur to these second amendment supporters that it's very difficult to find anyone who has been victimized by someone using a firearm that is equally as adamant in their support for gun-rights.


Tell that to Suzanna Gratia-Hupp.

Pal, if I were you, I'd shut up and start learning. Right now, you're only making a fool of yourself.

1 comment:

  1. " sleep through the suspension of habeus corpus included in the Military Commissions Act and the dilution of the Bill of Rights by the PATRIOT Act..."

    The first applies to foreigners. The Constitution does not extend protection to aliens, nor does it govern the powers of foreign nations. Why do we keep retreading this ground? The very thing that the left wants to extend to foreign hostiles is not fit for the native citizenry.

    My thinking on this is also consistent with other illegal aliens. The foundation of this country makes it unique in this world, and I do not want that foundation undermined by enormous amounts of ignorant illegal invaders, who mostly cannot read and comprehend the Constitution, yet would be entrusted with votes, if some had their way, and have already been allowed to petition a foreign government (ours) for a redress of grievances.

    As for the PATRIOT Act, it has yet to effect me personally, unlike the disarmament movement. That doesn't mean that I like it. It's miles of red tape binding together a huge pile of pork, with little to no enforcement of some important aspects, such as illegal immigration. Much of it is of dubious value, and some of it is illegal. I could sum it up by simply stating that it doesn't make me feel any safer.

    A handgun in my belt, and thousands of pissed-off Marines in the Sandbox. That makes me feel a little safer.

    "Of what possible use is a basement full of assault weapons without the right to peaceable assembly or freedom from warrantless searches?

    Wait. Isn't that backwards?


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