Thursday, May 10, 2007

You May Be a Gun Nut

So Hamline officials took swift action. On April 23, Scheffler received a letter informing him he'd been placed on interim suspension. To be considered for readmittance, he'd have to pay for a psychological evaluation and undergo any treatment deemed necessary, then meet with the dean of students, who would ultimately decide whether Scheffler was fit to return to the university.

And if the shrink is a hoplophobe along the lines of the vast majority of his colleagues in the American Psychological Association...?

It's clear the profession considers hoplophilia a mental disorder--creating a convenient little Catch-22.

Funny. The paranoids station an armed cop outside a classroom over this--and they call us nuts.

Under these circumstances, I don't think it's too far of a stretch to envision a scenario where a restraining order is issued, an evaluation ordered, and a biased practitioner categorizes the citizen a danger--all nice and legal.

I hope Scheffler sues the **** out of these fascists.

[Via KABA Newslinks]


  1. a restraining order is issued, an evaluation ordered, and a biased practitioner categorizes the citizen a danger--all nice and legal.

    How conveniently soviet. Do we have a gulag to ship them to?

  2. Fortunately, Troy's email address wasn't that hard to track down. So I forwarded a link to him for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (

    They're experienced with fighting schools like this, and I hope he gets their help.

  3. my email to Hanson; she wasn't that hard to find either?
    I have just read of your absolute lack of morality and paucity of good sense in regards to one of your students.

    I can only assume that you are pleased with the outcome at Virginia Tech. in view of your completely insane response to Mr. Scheffler emails and stance.

    What you have done is immoral, illegal, and stupid. I am not surprised at the stupidity of what you have done. People such as yourself, in higher education have developed a monumental reputation for stupidity. However, you.,personally, should be a "darling of academia" in that you have taken stupidity to a whole new level. The sad part for those of us that live in reality is that there is no test for self-inflicted stupidity in an organism with average or above native intelligence. Which is a shame, because we cannot institutionalize you dangerous creatures who aid and abet such atrocities as happened on Va. Tech's campus, not even when you insist on perpetuating the system(s) that enable it.

    I doubt you have read this far, but if you have, I doubt you have any comprehension of the values of humanity you have violated. Worse, I doubt you give a damn. I suspect that your main concern is your acceptability to others of your ilk. I also think that you would sacrifice the lives of every student on your campus rather than break with traditional academic denial of reality.

    I hold you in contempt, as I expect all free people do and would if they knew of you.

    Exceedingly disrespectfully,
    (my real signature)

  4. So - one guy out of a plethora of students doesn't think folks should just sit around and be shot by a madman.

    He sends his thoughts in to the powers that be, and he is banned from the campus.

    David published another link about a professor who made a demonstration in his class (after being instructed to talk about VA Tech to his students) and he is also instantly, and without due process, fired from his job.

    I had wondered why it appeared that so few of the victims of the VA Tech massacre had just stood by and, well, waited to be shot to death.

    Now I know. If someone actually has a vocal opinion about DOING something - ANYTHING - to defend oneself from a murdering nut, that is a bad thing.

    The folks in power can't allow anyone to actually promote self defense.

    I now understand why people just cowered in the corner, waiting to be killed in the VA Tech murders.

    It's important that these state - controlled schools remove any possible thought of self defense.

    Liberty is deader than a murdered student in any government school.

    NOW I get it.


  5. When gun control arguments get to my opponent saying that I should at least agree that the mentally ill shouldn't have guns, you should see the look they give me when I disagree.

    So, what is mentally ill? Define it. What qualifies someone for a psychiatric evaluation? Something crazy they did? Something they did someone else thought was crazy? Something that could be construed as crazy? Maybe just more than three people thinking you're crazy is enough to warrant a psychiatric evaluation. Where does it end? Total restriction.

  6. I really didn't want to raise this issue before, but I nearly fell out of my chair when one of the speakers at the VT convocation compared the dead and the grieving to Job. In other words, they were meant to suffer or die to demonstrate their faith to the powers that be.

    Yes friends, family, and the slain, you are the persecuted, the righteous sufferer. You will continue to suffer, because the authoritarians of academia have a purpose with greater worth than your lives.

    If only we knew what is that greater purpose. It certainly isn't the advancement of civilization.


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