Thursday, June 07, 2007

The Rudy Show

Looks like Rudy shares more than a gun control agenda with the Million Moms. He and his minions apparently respect the First Amendment as much as they do the Second.

[Via JH]


  1. I'm glad he didn't ask about gun control, they probably would have just had him shot instead of arrested.

  2. Surely, nobody is surprised by this. Giuliani is a fucking Nazi. Always has been.

    He belongs to that very large group of people upon whom I wouldn't piss only if they were on fire. Any other time, he had better wear his yellow rain gear.

  3. I haven't the foggiest idea just how the press secretary of a former mayor from another state has the least bit of authority of the New Hampshire State Police.

    Even if they were stupid to ask how high when the secretary said jump, you'd think that if their IQ was at room temperature, that the press pass and documentation the reporter had with him would have prompted them to instantly desist.

    I think it is definitely time for New Hampshire to change their damn license plates. They brutally, publicly deprived the reporter of his 1st Amendment rights. I hope they are hung by their scrotes.

    Try as I might, couldn't find a single damn e-mail address to use. Am sure that phoning them from out of state would have no impact at all.


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