Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Dancin' to the Jailhouse Glock

Locked in solitary confinement 23 hours a day, Patrick Hawkins still managed to get a gun in the Mississippi State Penitentiary's super-maximum security Unit 32.

Officials said they don't know how Hawkins, jailed for armed robbery and aggravated assault from Holmes County, got the weapon

Oh, gee, I wonder.

More proof that gun bans work...


  1. Oh a Glock. That explains it, since they're made from porcelain and can't be detected by x-ray or metal detectors.

  2. Most inmates can't get guns inside...but the weapons that inmates are able to construct from ordinary items are truly amazing. The system is proof that even in the most tightly controlled environments, the common man always finds a way to beat the system.


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