Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Magic Bullets

"Authorized journalists." Is there anything they don't know?

[Via SayUncle]


  1. It's those sneaky Special Ops types - creeping around in the dark with their slingshots, flinging cartridges at innocent old ladies!

  2. There are two possibilities here, both of which are equally plausible.

    1. The journalists and their editors are complete idiots.
    2. They are biased, and deliberately bending the news to fit their beliefs.

  3. Where can I find those in .40 JHP and .30-06? I would dearly love to only have to buy

  4. On second thought, scratch that. I'm pretty sure that it would be a bad idea to fire bullets at someone that were capable of being instantly rechambered and shot back at me!


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