Friday, August 17, 2007

More on the August 28 Ammo Buy Proposal

In answer to some comments: Yes--you can buy reloading components. You can buy something else if you don't need ammo. Buy some targets.

Thanks to the happy few who have taken the initiative to help spread the word on this. Please inform me if I've missed anyone:
The Liberty Sphere
Rational Review News Digest
A Keyboard and a .45
Kent's Hooligan Libertarian Blog
Ohio CCW Forums
The High Road

I appreciate the mentions. That said, this is pretty pathetic, and this minimal effort is doomed not to happen if that's the extent of it.

I guess I never seem to understand the extent of gun owner non-involvement and apathy--even though I should know it better than most. This site had under 2,000 hits yesterday (and that's pretty pathetic, too, especially considering the kind of mega-traffic anything about LiLo or Paris will generate), and yet how many of you--who come here every day--have even sent an email to anyone about this, let alone asked other blogs, or gun organizations, or gun stores, or whoever, to help promote this concept?

And by the way--where are the gun stores that are signing on to this?

I must confess--when I read posts (generally anonymous ones) saying things like "From my cold dead hands" or "Molon Labe" and I know from experience that most gun owners won't even send an email, it does not fill me with hope that these will show up on the green when muster is called.

Churchill said it best:

If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.

Enough bitching. I hope you join me, but I'm fresh out of ideas on how to make that happen. So ultimately, the fault must lie within me. Maybe it's just because it's a trivial idea, but I keep coming back to the worry that if we can't even take small steps together, dreaming of ever taking giant strides is futile.


  1. Thanx for the reminder to e-mail folks David, it slipped my mind yesterday.

    "From my cold dead hands!"

    Molon Labe!


  2. You can add one to the list:

    Posted there 8/16, and have a few replies so far.

  3. I put up the comment on "The High Road" and also put up the story on "Digg" ( I'll try to get it out onto a couple more gun forums today. Come on everybody, help out.

  4. Aw shucks, David. People who read your site and others like it, are actually committed patriots. One of the things different about them from the original patriots is that their time and attention is bombarded with so much electronic info that it is hard to spend any time replying or even thinking about worth while objectives. I have been after my brothers for ten years to read blogs, make commitments, participate, etc, and have been met with not much success. I will be buying ammo on the 28th, I talk to anyone who will listen about what's going on, and will be sure and talk about it at the gun store. I buy ammo every Nov. 15th or that week, because of Kim and it's the right thing to do, and I try to buy a gun and at least do buy ammo on Apr. 15th for the same reason. Show up on the village green? You bet. Hell, I even got the musket to boot.Don't despair, bro, because your words and protestations of liberty and justice are read and heeded more than you know. Even in the neutered Wal-Marts at the ammo counter, I almost never fail to find someone waiting for service and strike up a sympatico conversation. My kids, my grandkids and neighbors have all learned the joy of shooting and the confidence of being armed due to my efforts, buoyed by your blog and your exhortations. Paul, on his missions, often mused that he was going to be flayed and decayed and wouldn't know if his efforts would produce fruit. But he had faith that the G*d of all things would have His Way, regardless of what happened to himself. The second most clearly written thing in that Book is that men must be free. Free means free. You are doing yeomans work, without pay, living in the wilds of apathy, surviving on roots( a little success here and there) with only water to drink(the knowledge that you are right)and almost without clothes(the garments of acknowledgement and acclamation)Good G*d, how are they( the opposition) to survive against such a man as you?

  5. 3 more forum posts:

    XDTalk Gun Forums

    Survivor's SKS Board

    Gunbroker Forums

  6. I'm always a day late and a dollar short...
    It's up on now.

  7. I guess my trackbacks aren't working...again.

    I posted up literally minutes after your post popped up in my reader (you can check the tiimestamp).

  8. Heh, my RSS reader picked it up on Robb's site before it found it here. Funny how that works sometimes.

    If we had a little more lead time on this one perhaps it would be possible to construct a simple PDF flyer that can be printed on standard letter paper and send that out to various gun shops. If they thought it was a nifty idea, and I would think that -anything- to encourage sales would be, they could print them out, post them, and perhaps post some "Anti-Brady-Bunch Specials" for that day next to it.

    Still might be possible.

  9. posted

    Good fellas over at those two forums!

    and posted here -

  10. ...and here...

  11. Not proud of this, but this is the first I've heard about it. Where is the original announcement?

    And isn't there another ammo day day in November? Not sure if its larger, or if its just that I've heard about that one.

  12. I have had my first dealer step up and offer a special on the 28th. As more step up, I'll send you a list.

  13. Anon, check the title link for the original post--it references and links to the original annual "National Ammo Day" created by Kim DuToit on November 19.

    JR--that's great--Red's Trading Post is alsdo on board--I will link to Ryan's post tomorrow.

    Thanks to all for helping to spread the word--make it your own--it doesn't need to be "my" idea.

    And Sean--thank you very much for the kind and motivating words.

  14. It's up on

  15. Good Evening, David;

    Kim du Toit has also taken up the flag, and is touting your idea:

    Best Regards,

    Cousin G

  16. Sorry, David, I completely missed my reading yesterday. I'll drop by my local gun shops tomorrow, and I'll see what I can do about getting the liberal papers around here to print a little blurb.
    I think all my readers check in here, too, but I told them about it.

  17. Bloggage coming on my part momentarily, David...and thanks for the idea, and all your efforts. I'll be going to pick up some primers at the local gun house in the morning and I'll let him know.

  18. Have noted it on the blog and tomorrow am going to several shops to canvas some support.

  19. Or maybe they're more like me... "What Aug 28th Ammo buy??"

  20. I see that Say Uncle picked it up from Kim DuToit.

    Perhaps Joe Huffman will also post about it.

  21. It is now on myspace and wikipedia

  22. I asked local Gun Store for support at their annual Shooters Roundup the weekend before. Also, asked for an email alert to members of Minnesota
    Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance (GOCRA)

    Thanks for starting this.

  23. The Countertop Chronicles is on board:

  24. Traction Control is on board.

    "I'm going to order from Red's Trading Post" - USCitizen

  25. I guess I am a little "early". Bought a new rifle and ordered ammo for it. Reloaded several hundred rounds in several calibers just to fill the inventory.

    I will do more on the 28th. My small part is just a drop in the bucket but if we all get on board we will have many full buckets.

  26. I posted a message on the RugerForum message board in The Lounge.

  27. I just set up a new blog, and the first entry is about this. And I'll buy some ammo on Aug. 28th myself.


  29. I haven't blogged much in the last few months, and all four of my readers probably already know, but I'll get something up this week. I also contacted the two retailers with whom I do business and asked for their support.

  30. I got on board belatedly.

    Also, I posted this to my shooting club's Yahoo Message Board so it should go out to another two-dozen plus active shooters and whoever else gets the emails.


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