Friday, August 31, 2007

Red's Updates

Ryan has two new posts for us:

"Does ATF Director Deserve to be Confirmed?"
My answer, of course, is "No." The office and the agency should be abolished.

"In Search of the Second Amendment" to Premier in Idaho
if you haven't seen this yet, you are denying yourself one of the most authoritative resources that can be found. Ryan tells me "We are going to be THE spot to premiere Gun movies."

He also told me "I just got word from one of my friends sons in Georgia with the Military that one of his fellow soldiers was wearing a Red's Trading Post hat. He was shocked to see it."

By way of disclosure, since I write frequently about Red's and have been extremely vocal in my support, I want to get this "on the record." I ordered a Red's hat, sent in the ten bucks, and to my pleased surprise got back two hats and two Red's coffee mugs. Thank you, Ryan, for your generosity. I did introspect on whether accepting swag and doing advocacy were mutually exclusive, and even entertained the idea of making the extras available as some sort of prize for WoG readers.

My decision: the hell with it. I'm selfishly keeping and enjoying them. I could have just kept mum about this and no one would have ever known. If anybody thinks I can be compromised with a few items of company logo promotional merchandise , the hell with them too.

And I certainly have deluded myself into thinking I look handsome in the cap, although my 16-year-old asked me if I was cheating on my cowboy hat.


  1. David,

    It was smart to disclose the completely harmless tokens of appreciation Ryan gave you.

    You certainly deserve the accolades of your friends for all the hard work you do to protect the RTKBA.

    But the smear tactics of the antis are well known. By disclosing the harmless gift you eliminate any accusation of a quid pro quo.

    As an aside, the "Red's" hats are of exceptional quality, and promptly delivered. They are an all around excellent value. I believe I will be buying a bunch more to give out as Christmas gifts.

    If anyone has not ponied up the dough to get one, what are you waiting for? Hie thee hence!

  2. I sent Netflix's purchasing department a request to stock "In Search of the Second Amendment" and included a link to Mr. Hardy's website. If anyone else with a Netflix account would like to request it as well, here is the link (also can be found under "Contact Us"):

  3. LP--Excellent. I posted on this:


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