Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Some Small Comfort

There is some small comfort in the University of North Carolina's gun-free policy on the system's 16 public campuses.
Don't be so modest. Prospective shooting rampage perpetrators find enormous comfort in that.

Nothing like giving aid and comfort to the enemy, is there?

How can there be any doubt that anyone proposing enforced defenselessness is anything but an enemy himself?

1 comment:

  1. "...a UNC task force is looking for other ways for campuses to respond to weapon threats..."

    I've treated paranoid schizophrenics with a better grasp of reality than these people.

    What is the only way they have EVER dealt with a shooter on their precious gun-free campuses? Call for more men with guns! LOTS of men with LOTS of guns!

    It's not just hypocrisy. It's willful, blind, obstinate stupidity.


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