Friday, September 21, 2007

In a Rational World...

...this lying sob would have been booed off stage amidst a hail of rotten cabbages and tomatoes.


  1. "Your right to bear arms is based on a reasonable degree of safety," he said.

    Good Lord, people like Giuliani will never get it, will they?

    Also, it's amazing how he works 9/11 into every single answer he gives. It's like he's on autopilot.

  2. Actually, I would think that in a rational world the nice men in white jackets would take him away.

  3. Ah--the old "enforce existing laws" approach--LaPierre should love him.

  4. Reasonable degree of safety, my kiester! It's a right! It stands alone! I can own a firearm for any reason, or no reason at all!

    And just who the hell are you, Mr. Giuliani, to dare decide what's reasonable for me?


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