Friday, September 07, 2007

Portrait of a "Gun Criminal"

THIS is Why We Need Gun Registration!

Meet Alfred Flatow, gun criminal. Despite being a prohibited person, meaning he was not legally allowed to own one, the authorities arrested him for having an illegal gun in his possession. And they were able to do so--before Flatow could use those guns and kill anyone--through good old-fashioned police work, by tracing it to him via firearm registration lists.

Thank goodness they had such lists, because how would you like the idea of this guy having an unregistered gun, an easily concealable weapon designed to kill people? And the same night Flatow was arrested, many other lawbreakers just like him were also relieved of their illegal weapons through a prototype Project Disarmed Neighborhoods initiative.

Who could possibly be against the authorities knowing people among us like Gun Criminal Flatow possess lethal firepower? What kind of extremist gun zealot could be against reasonable, common sense gun laws like registration, or keeping guns away from people who aren't supposed to have them?

You can find out more about this gun criminal here.

And you can read about his arrest and what happened to this outlaw here.

If this doesn't end the gun registration debate once and for all, I don't know what will.

[Via Of Arms and the Law]


  1. I'm no relation to Alfred, but a long time gun owner in NJ. You're on target here, and who knows when NJ will tighten regulations further. I hate to see honest gun owners punished by antigunners.

  2. ya know, the supreme court has ruled that felons do not have to register their guns under the 5th amendment right against self incrimination.

    moreover, just because a hand full of criminals register their guns doesnt mean that the rest of them will.

    German jews had to register their guns too, leading up to the "Night of Broken Glass". Learn history, or be doomed to repeat it.


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