Saturday, September 22, 2007

We're the Only Ones Sorry Enough

"I’m not going to deal with a guy that has a loaded gun until I secure a weapon.”
You forget your place, servant. Who the hell do you think you are? And how about if we deal with you on those terms?

I wouldn't accept an apology from the Chief. Unless it comes sincerely from the offender himself, it is meaningless, and this "Only One" is still justifying and making excuses for his elitism and his ignorance.

And how nice of the department to exonerate Greene of excessive force liability. Where I come from, if someone grabs my arm, restrains me, puts me up against a wall, forcibly searches me and threatens me, all with the understanding that deadly force will be used if I don't obey, it's called "assault and battery" at a minimum. I'd think if the guy wasn't wearing a uniform, one could probably justify using deadly force as an appropriate self-defense response.

How wonderful these guys will now get some training into what the laws they are paid to enforce actually say. But I can't help wonder, if they catch one of us breaking the law and we say it's because we didn't know, will they accept our apology and give us a pass?

If it were me, I'd be looking at filing criminal and civil complaints.


  1. I'm not so sure that that's an apology so much as it is a character reference.

  2. Glad to know that the department's training "far exceeds state standards." I'd hate to think of what the "Only One" would have done if he'd had only the minimum training.

    I know (via internet and email) a very good guy from Coal Creek Armory, by the way--I'll have to ask him about this.

  3. "..Unfortunately, officers aren’t perfect, and sometimes mistakes are made. As you can see from the remedial measures taken, we want to learn from our mistakes so they won’t be repeated in the future.”

    I'm going to employ this defense if I decide to assualt someone. Hey, I'm not perfect! :-) Let me off now! :-)

  4. If you visit the guy's blog, you'll find that the letter of apology only covers part of the incident, and lays out his next few moves, this article being one of them.

  5. What "guy's blog" and how do we find it? Got links?

  6. What "guy's blog" and how do we find it? Got links?

    Is this ColtCCO guy the Trevor Putnam who was assaulted by the "Only One"?

  7. Oops--Clint beat me to it--my magnificent typing skills in action again.

  8. First, the only panic was on the part of the chickenshit cop. His excuse doesn't work, especially in light of the fact that the couple had completed their shopping and had left the store and none of the weenie civilians had panicked running screaming through the aisles, only the poultry poop policeman panicked.

    Second, uniform or no it has gone to the supreme court and ruled that killing an officer of the law who has illegally assaulted you is considered justified self defense and is not a criminal act.

    That is not something in our repressive society today that is recommended but that may change if the police keep pushing the boundaries of illegal behavior.

    Third, ignorance of the law is no excuse. It wouldn't work for me, or you, it sure as Hell shouldn't work a sonofabitch so stupid he enforces laws that don't exist, when he is supposed to know the law.

  9. one more comment, I don't know how many of you would want to do this, but I have done it.

    When a cop wants to talk to you for any reason, even if just asking directions, tell him you will not talk to him as long as he is armed. Tell him to take off his weapons otherwise you are leaving for your safety.

    I have done it. Didn't get killed but I wouldn't bet they didn't want to when faced with the mirror image of their chickenshit behavior.

  10. I'm trying to get ahold of colt CCO to interview him on my show. I e-mailed him last night. If it goes thourgh I'll post it on my blog and send you and e-mail Mr. Codrea

  11. Whoops, another logical defect of the Disarmament Movement. This is why police shouldn't listen to disarmers. Seems that the disarmer's policy cannot be followed without also seizing property by threat of force. This is otherwise known as armed robbery.

    The principles of liberty overlap each-other. In this case, it is a citizen's right to retain his own personal, private property. This is a stinging issue for marxofascists. It won't be long before they do to private ownership of weapons what the "environmentalist" movement did to private ownership of real estate.

    We're mostly there.

  12. I think it's also helpful to realize that Tennessee's state constitution contains this:

    "Sec. 26. That the citizens of this State have a right to keep and to
    bear arms for the common defense; but the legislature shall
    have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms with a
    view to prevent crime.

    Seeing as crime is whatever may be defined by the legislature, this will eventually (and predictably) produce a police state with unchecked power.

  13. Bump to you, straightarrow. Thank you. I agree.

    I, and others it seems, have been noticing a recent increase in JBTs vs Citizens...Taserings/OC confrontations.

    Am I the only one who has been feeling a sensation of hope as of late?

    It just seems more people are starting to ACTIVELY exercise their KABA rights(See ), more people are filming/posting footage of SOBs Tasering helpless, subdued citizens, and more people are organizing.

    A large part of the Liberty war is the Enforcers and the Citizens meeting face to face. Learning to say NO, and having the means to back it up(your sidearm), and the means to be in control of the information(cameras/Youtube) in order affect public opinion quickly.

    Remember the lessons of Waco.

    Rouge officers still need the darkness and control of populous-opinion in order to perpetrate abuses and pass them off as "acceptable". No longer being able to control media footage, having more people bearing arms openly and unashamedly, and people forming in groups(such as OC'ers having their public-meetings) is a beautiful thing.

    I have always been lover of the "Militia Movement". Well, you are the militia.


  14. Sorry David.

    I DID close that link, and it even appeared closed in the preview.

    Happened to me last time I tried to post a link in your comments section as well.




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