Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Brady's Misplace Entire US Population

How do you make "the people" disappear?

Simple: through selective omission. Just pretend they aren't there. Dennis Henigan has been doing it for years.

My favorite hypocritical quote:
It is not appropriate for the courts to edit the Constitution
...he says, after editing the Constitution.


  1. More like Bradys' underestimate entire US population. 300 million-20M illegals,-5M convicted felons and other criminals-120M children and women who can't/won't/never pick up a gun-80M liberal/communist/peacefreak/yellow men and women who will not/must not/cannot consider picking up a gun. Leaves about 75M gunowners. 25M are too old/duckhunters/timid to even think about aggression for freedoms sake. 25M will do nothing for varying reasons. Leaves 25M pool.20M have heart in right place but are unprepared,untrained,and for various reasons, will run after the first dust-up, and probably never return unless things really look good for them to do so. Leaves about 5M that are so committed, only death will stop them. They would die by the thousands, and still the remainder would continue. That's the group Dennis would like to disappear. But that's okay Dennis me boy, I got the same idea about you, ain't that a pickle now?

  2. My favorite hypocritical quote:
    It is not appropriate for the courts to edit the Constitution
    ...he says, after editing the Constitution.

    Good catch, David--I missed that. I did notice something else today that amuses me.

    Thanks for the link, by the way.

  3. Well count me in the latter 5 million. I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees.

  4. If it truly be five million, the correlation of forces is greatly in favor of ordered liberty.


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