Thursday, October 25, 2007


The National Rifle Association did not endorse McClintock for the special election leaving gun owners to speculate about whether it is better to vote for a questionable Republican or an anti-gun Democrat. Since winning the Governor's seat, Mr. Schwarzenegger has banned .50 caliber rifles and passed the microstamping bill. I guess now we have our answer.

It looks like we're about to conduct the same experiment on the national level. I trust no one expects different results?


  1. Got another one. Jack gets a case of the ass at Ralph. Gets several of Ralphs m-stamped casings from range. At night, wearing gloves, he scatters several in the parking lot where they both work. After work the next day, after other employees have left, Jack calls cops with hysterical 911," Ralph took a couple of shots at me, he missed, but I'm so scared!". Cops show up, pick up casings, bust into Ralphs' house, hold wife and kiddies at gunpoint, tase and mace Ralph and take him away. Evidence puts Ralph away for 5-10, and Jack boinks Ralphs' wife and abuses his kids for good measure.

  2. You really think Ralph is gonna survive the encounter?

  3. I have asked Romney, Giuliani, and McCain supporters--repeatedly--what they thought would happen, should the following come to pass:

    1. Congress, having gained seats in the 2008 election, and perhaps in response to another domestic terror incident, passes an AWB with no grandfather clause and a confiscation provision.

    2. It is a near certainty that Hizzoner, Mr. Lawn Ordure, would sign such a bill, and almost as certain that Romney or McKeating would too.

    3. We would all then watch the spectacle of BATFE attempting to enforce a patently unjust law at the behest of the President, against people who most likely were cajoled into helping put him in office.

    "So what do you think happens then?" I ask. The response, from these Faction uber alles types: (crickets chirping)

    The notion that people should agree to vote against their own interest because the presented alternative is even more against their own interest is not what I call compromise. I call it pusillanimous.

    There are four Republican candidates I'm pretty sure would veto an AWB: Hunter, Paul, Tancredo, Thompson. That may not be sufficient, but it is certainly necessary.

  4. Yeah, I think you're right, David. They'll have a throw-down gun, and kill Ralph, claiming he opened fire on them. But Jack won't get to boink Ralph's widow, because the cops will kill her, too. Can't leave witnesses, you know.

    Back to your post, as I said before, I voted McClintock, because I so thoroughly distrusted the Traitornator on guns. And with a Demoncrat-controlled Congress, and a Prez that would have signed an AWB if it reached his desk, no, I don't expect a different outcome on the national level. The really bad news? I believe Hilary Rodham Marx Klinton will take the White House.

  5. Oldmoblogger you left off your list Huckabee who also would veto any such bill.

    But, but, but, David (exasperated sigh) haven't you been listening to our friends who believe as much as we do in the true meaning of the second amendment? They do, I believe that. So when they tell us the NRA is operating a super secret plan by aiding and abetting gun grabbers and giving them good NRA ratings and helping them write and pass anti-gun laws, why do you not believe them?

    Oh, see, there you go again. Just because somebody keeps knifing you in the back doesn't mean they're not your friend. You must be more considerate of their words and less critical of their deeds, otherwise you are disloyal, not they.

    Good, I'm glad we got that settled. Now we move forward into a land of unicorns and cotton candy clouds.

  6. Thanks, Straightarrow. I wasn't sure about Huckabee, and didn't have time to check.

  7. "They do, I believe that."

    I'm not sure I do. Otherwise, they would realize the infringements they are so tolerant and forgiving of are acts of premeditated rape, and require a radical posture and response, with big ass no compromise warnings. I don't think they have come to the conclusion that those who would disarm them are ultimately driven by a cadre of cunning evil minds backed by stupid and evil enforcers. Evil treats with you only when it must--but all the while it is setting you up for when it no longer needs to present niceties and can bring out the iron glove.

    I believe an appearance of weakness--with no "or else"--invites abuse. I think it works the same on a societal scale as it does with solitary predators.

  8. oldsmoblogger,
    I'm not sure I agree that Thompson would veto a new AWB. Looking at his voting record fills me with trepidation.

    It atually might be in opur best interests for Lilith, excuse me Hillary, to get into office. At least then the republicans in congress have an incentive to oppose and AWB, etc...

  9. David, I was speaking of people such as Uncle, Sebastian x2, Ahab,Bitter Bitch, etc. I truly believe they believe in the second amendment as much as we do.

    I did not include, nor did I intend to include the NRA, itself, though I suspect there are many individuals in that organization who share the same confusion as those friends I mentioned.

    You will note I have not said I believe them to be well informed of the costs of treating with evil. Hell, I don't, to date, have any reason to believe they have enough experience to recognize evil when it presents itself in guise.

    You stated, "I believe an appearance of weakness--with no "or else"--invites abuse. I think it works the same on a societal scale as it does with solitary predators."

    I whole-heartedly agree. As Ayn Rand said if the principle does not hold true through all strata, re-examine your premise. I suggest our friends who don't see it are not opposed to our principles, but rather see themselves as smarter and more reasonable than are we. And they are not as yet philosophically mature enough to realize they need to re-examine their premise.

    They truly believe they can prevail in an honest dialogue with honorable men of an uninformed opinion. And were those the conditions that obtained, they could.

    Unfortunately, despite their belief in their intellectual ascendance over us prickly dinosaurs, they don't realize they are being played. They don't realize that the other side for the most part are not honorable men with just a difference of opinion, but manipulators of public opinion for personal aggrandizement. Nor do they realize that these people have no fealty to principle, liberty or country. And these people populate both sides of the issue, sharing only their willingness to betray anyone and everyone for personal gain.

    I cannot honestly fault our friends' principles, except when they think one can compromise them and maintain them. Not possible. But that is something we are not going to be able to teach them, especially while they believe we are their intellectual and philosophical inferiors. However, those in opposition to our liberties and rights will eventually convince them of what they ignore from us.

    I think you and I are much closer than you realized. Perhaps my earlier comment lacked clarity. I hope this one clears it up.


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