Sunday, October 07, 2007

Conoco-Phillips "Pleased" to Have Federal Judge Disarm YOU

U.S. District Judge Terence Kern issued a permanent injunction against an Oklahoma law that would have kept employers from banning firearms at the workplace under certain conditions.

Kern decided in a 93-page written order issued Thursday that the amendments to the Oklahoma Firearms Act and the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act, which were to go into effect in 2004, conflict with a federal law meant to protect employees at their jobs.

Kern said the amendments "criminally prohibit an effective method of reducing gun-related workplace injuries and cannot co-exist with federal obligations and objectives."

First off, I'd like to know where he pulled that conclusion out of.

We've had the debate here before about property rights, and it's not my intent to resurrect it. I will say that ConocoPhillips, which "is pleased with the ruling," deserves to hear from all gun owners who are displeased with their activist efforts to disarm their countrymen.

They make feedback to their senior management a tad convoluted (mustn't disturb the important men), so I've opted to just link to their "company questions" form (and you don't need to enter your phone number--my form went through just fine without it).

Here's my correspondence--it doesn't need to be long--just stick with the basics.

Here are brands I will never buy again, unless and until this obnoxious policy is reversed.


  1. Left them a little message, "No gun, no money". Just that simple.

  2. Here is the message I've sent them.

    Your supporting effort to strip Oklahomians of their right to gun ownership and self protect has not gone unnoticed.

    Your willingness to do business with those who openly admit to being enamies of the United Sates so you can stuff your pockets with profits has also been noticed by American consumers.

    Mmaybe now you will understand why I told your idiot on the phone to take my ConocoPhillips credit card acctount and stuff it.

  3. Done. It won't be much of a boycott on my part because I don't use any of their stuff anyway, but they don't need to know that.

  4. "First off, I'd like to know where he pulled that conclusion out of."

    You'll need a flashlight to find out.

    For general reference, here's an excerpt from Oklahoma's contradictory constitution:

  5. I worked for Encana USA, and they also have a gun ban. I worked in the oil and gas fields in Colorado, and the land was not Encana's per se, it was leased state or federal land. The supposed rationale behind it was for safety and insurance reasons, as a shot in the wrong direction could result in a huge explosion and millions of dollars lost. Another, more believable explanation I heard was from a supervisor, who said it was really meant to keep employees from poaching. Either way, it was wrong.

    Nevertheless they denied employees from carrying, even in their own vehicles, yet hunters could freely travel through the fields. I don't work for them anymore.

  6. One think a friend of mine pointed out is that they are one of the few oil companies that only drills/operates in the US (and waters around the US). I haven't verified this, but it always sucks when companies do one thing that makes you want to boycott them and another that makes you want to support them.

    It might add some amunition to your comment letters to mention that the lawsuit they are persuing is very un-American.

  7. david,
    you've informed my and i will make it a point to drive past the "66" gas station at the end of my street without stopping, and since in my town the same person owns a "competing brand" station across the street i'll include that one too, and "tjh", like you i don't know where that judge got that opinion from but a flashlight will not help. you'll need a proctoscope.

  8. Done and done. I work midnights (2200-0600) at a Shell gas station in my home town and they won't let me carry either. The even made me sign a paper (an ammendment to their 'company policy') stating that I could be fired for even bringing a weapon IN MY CAR on their flippin property...! It's the only job I could get right now, so... Hey, is there a form or document that I could have my employer sign stating if I am injured or killed on 'their property' that I will sue the bastards for every penny thy got? Just a thought...


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