Friday, October 19, 2007

Do "Gun-Free" Zones Encourage School Shootings?

According to Wayne, no. No they do not. And anyone in the NRA hierarchy who suggests otherwise will be shut down.

He further states "We believe America's schools should be as safe as America's [pre-9/11] airports."


  1. I find it amazing that everybody wants to recall Jackson for being a little dim, but nobody wants to fire Wayne for being the enemy. Amazing!

  2. That's because he has to say these things because the media is against us and we haven't won enough hearts and minds to speak the truth, so he has to make it appear like he's being reasonable, when in reality, come the Rapture, the clouds will open up and Wayne will descend from Fairfax bearing a flaming musk...uh, "assault weapon," and lead us to 1,000 years of Shall Not Be Infringed Nirvana. But for now, it's all on the sly, because we just don't have the votes. So just grab your hymn book and follow along, and pay no attention to the radical extremists trying to spoil everything because they just won't admit politics is the art of the possible as they ruin it for everybody.

    At least that's what's being floated in some circles, and I can't for the life of me find any reason to doubt it.

    You know what your problem is, SA? You're just a damn realist. There, I said, it, and it felt good.

    So just stop it. Stop it now.

  3. Encourage? I don't think the zones encourage or discourage anything. A sign is a passive device, and so is a law written in a book. The force of the law is manifest in the people that abide by it.

    I can't figure out Wayne LaPierre's motives. His writings are pro-2A red meat -- at least they used to be. Did he take too many hits for being outspoken during the Clinton years? He ended up looking like an idiot when NRA members didn't give him vigorous support after some of his most infamous statements.

    Since he believes so strongly in passive enforcement devices, perhaps he would also recommend "Perfect Attendance Zones", or "Parental Involvement Zones", and of course there also needs to be "Mandatory Academic Achievement Zones". Perhaps someone can also ask him what difference there is with regard to risk when school-age children are at NRA matches on a shooting range, as opposed to in a school? Are we protecting the building or the children? Maybe parents should immediately cancel their NRA memberships and withdraw their children from bullseye competition? LaPierre's statements are a bit of a mystery to me.

    To answer your question SA: Because he's a two-face, and the NRA certainly isn't going to highlight his conflicting opinions.

  4. Okay, it wasn't actually a question, but things seem to get by NRA members, like Giuliani's abortive recital of the Fourth Amendment while discussing the Second.

  5. Well TJH, all Rudy really knows about the Constitution is that he has never paid it any attention and it never caused him any trouble before.


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