Thursday, October 11, 2007

Forgive Snuffy His Trespasses

Criminal charges of trespassing against Reverends Jesse Jackson and Michael Pfleger, filed after a protest outside a south suburban gun store, were dropped Tuesday, officials said.
Yeah, the prosecutors didn't have enough evidence.

Try leading a mob to City Hall and inciting them to "Snuff out Mayor Daley!" and see if they can come up with a charge or two.

[Via HZ]

1 comment:

  1. I was there in support of Chuck's and witnessed the event. JJ and Snuffy definitely deserved to get arrested. It was what they wanted as stated by JJ at a prior rally.

    That said, there is nothing to gain from prosecuting him. It only creates more publicity for his agenda. It's cheap publicity.

    He needs to be prosecuted for extortion.


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