Saturday, October 20, 2007

Supply and Demand

The monster, sitting in a cage in back of his gun store and shooting range in Lawrenceville, can cut down a tree — and could easily fetch $30,000 in a perfectly legal sale. But for Powell, the sale would be the equivalent of hawking a Picasso or vintage wine.

The gun increases in value exponentially each year.

That is because it is the law — not the manufacturing costs — that drive the price. The federal government has outlawed the manufacture of machine guns for the civilian market in the United States since 1986. Only machine guns that were legally owned by civilians before that year can be sold privately.

Unless, of course, you're an "Only One."

If this isn't a blatant conspiracy to deny Americans their right to own militia-suitable firearms, I don't know what is.

And we talk about pitching gun owner against gun owner--why would these privileged elites--the very ones with the resources to finance Second Amendment challenges without batting an eye--want to let us hoi polloi into their exclusive club--and watch their investments devalue?

How this evident discriminatory result isn't an equal protection violation is also something I don't understand.

UPDATE: Brutus reminds me not to over-generalize and I agree there are exceptions. I'm not confident in how widespread they are, though.


  1. David, not all class III owners are elites. Some of us are just lucky to have bought them when we did and could not afford them now if we wanted them. Don't lump us all together. I would be happy to see our "investments" lose value if it meant that restrictions were loosened or removed. We actually bought ours for enjoyment since we have a place to use them. As for Powell, he needs to get a clue. An MP5A3 (true H&K) would go for about $30K. He also does not understand how the market works for class III prices. Some weapons quadruple in price over 7-8 years, others stagnate depending on whats popular. I bet his .50 is worth way more than that, but he wouldn't know. This is the kind of guy you do want to buy from, a loud mouth braggart who really doesn't know class III. They didn't stop manufacturing class III in 86, they just didn't allow more guns in the pool after that date. Just for the record we also donate to 2nd amendment groups. We aren't all like Powell.

  2. As far as "pitching gun owner against gun owner", as has been discussed and bemoaned here and elsewhere in the guise of pretending to desire unity, all I can say is if they really believe unity is that important, they should join me and you and others like us. Because surrender is not a strategy we believe will bring victory. In the name of unity, come my way because I obey the rules.

    Don't tell me you are being reasonable by being willing to bargain away my rights which "shall not be infringed", because they just aren't popular enough for you to openly support.

    I didn't pitch any gun owners under the bus or against another, I merely asked that they observe and openly support the rules, the real rules. If that is disunifying then they are wrong.

    Sorry, for the rant, David. I'm tired of this "unity" crap, like somehow they aren't under any obligation to change their position because they are trying to curry favor with the ignorant and/or evil, or at least not offend them so much as to have to oppose them openly.


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