Thursday, October 11, 2007

We're the Only Ones Not All Present and Accounted For Enough

Police Chief James W. Tuffey told Albany lawmakers recently that dozens of machine guns secretly purchased by Albany police officers had all been recovered and destroyed.

But two sources familiar with the matter said several of the automatic weapons, which were obtained by Albany police officers and at least one civilian in the early 1990s, remain missing.

Now see, if we had background checks, registration and microstamping, this wouldn't have happened. And if we can't even trust highly trained and ethical "Only Ones," how in the world are we supposed we trust you?

[Via Declan]


  1. Pehaps because the "Average Joe" has proven to have a much better character on average than the "Only Ones"?

  2. secretly purchased by Albany police officers?

    In a criminal fashion?


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