Thursday, November 01, 2007

Another Anti-Gun "Lie-In"

Seeing how this agency has lied so much, how can believe a word that they say when ATF employees such as Kelvin Crenshaw tell about 47 gang related arrests in Seattle and later is caught for lying about 77 gang related arrests in Spokane. Why did Crenshaw lie? It appears to justify their own existence, to establish a permanent gang field office and also an ATF Regional Crime Gun Center (Note that Crenshaw is interviewed in both stories).

Ryan Horsley points us to yet another chronicle of BATFU credibility.

I'd wish all the agents and inspectors a happy November 1, but I wouldn't want it to be misconstrued.

1 comment:

  1. When we lie,or we're lied about,or lied to, it's a felony. When the Phony Ones lie, it's all just a misunderstanding. Don't the peasants understand that they can't possibly understand the complicated workings of those in authoritah?


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