Friday, November 09, 2007

Boise State to Risk Sheep Stampede

Two weeks ago, the Boise State Veterans Coordinator brought up the idea of having a 21 gun salute during the school's Veterans Day activities...

At first, Boise State officials turned down the idea because of safety and security concerns. The university says recent school shootings, like the one at Virginia Tech, still have some people on edge. They believe the sound of gunshots on campus, in the middle of the day, could cause some people to panic.

Maybe they could just text message everybody...


  1. Accurate headline. Also, sad.

  2. update:

    After a day of negotiations, the university reached a compromise. Officials will now allow a 21 gun salute at Bronco Stadium on Monday at 12:30.

    I guess this way they'll get to hear what it sounds like if a nutcase shooter is in a nearby building so they can go into lockdown quicker.

  3. I am just soooo tired of the yeast-infected mindset of the sheeple in the US. Heaven help us every one.

  4. Spread word about blogs like this, try to convert sheeple.

    The only action we can take.


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