Saturday, November 10, 2007

Court to Katz: We'd Rather See You Dead

An Oregon high school English teacher will not be allowed to carry her gun to school, a state circuit court ruled on Friday in a decision closely watched by both sides of the gun debate.
Be interesting to see what Wayne's gonna say about this, if anything...


  1. I hope they do appeal.The only education those kids will learn is that if someone is out to hurt you,(her ex)you must break the law to protect yourself,and that the "autharitards" really don't care about her safety,or theirs!these kids are the future..better get out the Ray-bans.

  2. If one single thing happens to her related to her reason for wanting to carry and she lives, she should sue the school system/state until they pass blood. By not letting her protect herself they are saying in effect that they are responsible for her safety. I would probably make a pre-emptive strike and have my lawyer present them now with papers to that effect. Sam

  3. Unfortunately, Sam, the "no special relationship" self-exemption would probably protect the government, but I agree, and also wish the individuals responsible--not just the taxpayers--would be found liable. But yeah, I'd be interested to have a lawyer weigh on on how the liklihood of serving notice about their ruling creating a de facto "special relationship" with attendant duty to protect would pan out...

  4. This is an example of why you should never ask permission to execise a right. It makes the authoriturds think they own you.

  5. My comment probably does a lot to explain why I'm a mechanic/technician instead of a lawyer. The interesting thing is that were this a privately owned situation a lawsuit outcome would be vastly different. The only thing protecting the state in this situation is the state saying you can't sue the state. Sam

  6. You know what Wayne would say. He has said it many times in many ways, including writing a bill and lobbying for it to enable just such an outcome.

    "I would rather see all the students and faculty dead from an illegally used gun, than protected by a legally carried one." I believe that is what he keeps saying. Is it not?

  7. Well, I think that if something were to happen that she or her heirs ought to sue the INDIVUDUALS who made this decision, NOT the State, school district etc... Unless we start to hold people personally accountable for their actions this won't stop. That judge and the various people on the school board etc... believe that they are safe by being agents of the state and thus faceless bureaucrats. This needs to end. Sue the judge etc... who likely can not hide behind the refusal to allow the suit .

  8. Make sure to save this article, so that if/when anyone comes to shoot here and takes out a few kids the parents have the information on just which persons to place the blame...those that denied her rights "for the children".


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