Saturday, November 03, 2007

Eliot's Mess

Once they got driver's licenses under Gov. Spitzer's plan, illegal immigrants could arm themselves to the teeth simply by lying about their status, gun experts said Thursday...

Spitzer aides called such a scenario highly unlikely. If illegal immigrants wanted a gun, they'd more likely buy them on the streets, they reasoned.

If we go with the first paragraph, it means this avowed enemy of armed Americans is facilitating the arming of criminal aliens. If we accept the second, why it means that Eliot's political lifetime of subverting the right of the people to keep and bear arms has been in vain, and that [GASP!] "gun control" doesn't work...

I keep coming back to one grim reality though: anyone stupid enough to vote for this Marxist fraud probably is too stupid to own a gun.

[Via Russ Howard]


  1. don't forget registering to vote, "motor voter" as it is. VIVA El presidente klinton!

  2. Perfect. Spitzer, Clinton, Obama, (Giuliani?): They're for gun control unless it might inconvenience illegal aliens or terrorists. Then they use gun rights arguments -- "illegals get guns on the street, not from dealers."

    Try a new PC term for Illegal Aliens: UUs - Undocumented Ubercitizens. UUs are an elite class, exempt from most of the laws and responsibilities you the second-class sucker American citizen must honor.

    e.g., various taxes, drivers licenses, car insurance, car registration, smog checks, health insurance, non-resident tuition. Or how about ... having some reasonable prospect of having the ability to provide a decent home, living & education for prospective children with your OWN money before dropping litters of anchor babies on U.S. soil, in a delivery room with a doctor -- all paid by Americans thanks to our corrupt politicians, who give the spawn of illegals unconstitutional "birthright citizenship", free food, medical, school, etc.

    UUs get to call themselves "La Raza" (The Race) and drive around with "Brown Pride" painted on their cars in 10" letters, and no one prosecutes them for discrimination. In fact, you're a bigot for noticing and if you say anything you may be prosecuted for a hate crime.

    Plus UUs are eligible for special low small business and homeowner interest rates and thousands of other freebies paid for by you, the American citizen, thanks to commies like Hillary and Obama, and "compassionate conservatives" like Bush, Huckabee, McCain, Thompson, Romney, and Giuliani.

    "Compassionate Conservatives: Compassionate with your money, conservative with ours." They're so compassionate, they'll give your country away in order to save those most patriotic of Americans at the "U.S." Chamber of Commerce from having to pay $1 more an hour.

    And remember this Tuesday, thanks to the genius Republicans who gave us anonymous mail-in registration and anonymous mail-in voting in California, UUs can vote as many times as they want. If you don't believe that, go to the post office and pick up a mail-in registration card, fill it out with your dog's name and your address and mail it in. Before the next election, the registrar of voters will mail your dog a voter packet with an opportunity for your dog to vote by mail. Don't worry, because even the most egregious cases are NEVER prosecuted.

    Every time someone does it, it emphasizes that your vote is a joke. But it's a really good joke, so keep voting like it makes a difference!

    Bear in mind what "Republican" Senator Lindsay Graham told La Raza and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (Yes, there really is a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and you're a bigot if you think that's wrong): "Being an American is an idea. If you think you're an American, you're an American." So let's just do away with all the pesky bigoted formalities designed to keep out the 5+ billion people who earn less annual income than the typical Mexican peasant.


  3. BTW, Republicans could've stopped motor voter. And Newt Gingrich as House Speaker did zip to stop the subversion of our immigration laws. And GW "Guest Worker" Bush has worked overtime to end the USA. So can we stop blaming everything on the Clintons? It only provides cover for the more effective enemy.


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