Saturday, November 17, 2007

Guess Again

Musser’s proposal is going to cost money. Vendors who sell hunting licenses would need the ability to do background checks on those making the purchases.

But our guess is the citizens of Wisconsin would be willing to pay a little extra to make sure felons with a history of violence aren’t roaming the fields with loaded weapons during hunting season.

Let's see, criminals are breaking the law, so we need a new law, and we need to put the burden on everybody else. And God forbid criminals would break yet another law and just poach.

I don't know how hunting licenses are issued in Wisconsin and just don't have time now to slog through this, but my guess is they can be had at small general stores in remote little towns...? Somebody from there help me out here.

I don't see how a mom and pop operation would be equipped to deal with background checks, and this seems designed to drive a lot of them out of the process altogether. Of course, this could just be a ploy to drastically curtail hunting, which wouldn't surprise me a bit.

Note to hunters: If this doesn't convince you that gun owners of all stripes must join in opposing all infringements, you're simply not paying attention. You can't throw EBRs under the bus and expect it won't be your ox getting gored next.


  1. I'd like to know who signed over all the wildlife to the state in the first place. I don't remember that happening.

  2. Well if it saves just one... animal?

  3. Out of 700-800K deer hunters last year, between 70 and 80 licenses went to felons. Seeing as though the same ID number is used for everything from fishing to deer hunting for the DNR in WI, that felons have these ID numbers is hardly remarkable. Now, I did not see one article claiming that any of these felons actually got deer tags (they just said hunting licenses), that plus the fact that so long as a felon does not possess a gun, they are free to help their friends flush deer (and their friends could also use their deer tags legally), means that this is just another way to get into WI hunter's pockets. Has one of these felons been found in posession of a gun and in violation of the law? No? Okay, then shove it you liberal dirtbags.

    I love prior restraint - it's for the children, you know.

  4. Thing is, in re "liberal dirtbags," Musser's one of our great Republican friends--you know, the guys we need to vote for to keep anti-gun Democrats from winning...

  5. Many of the Democrats in WI are pro-gun, even moreso than some of the Republicans. Unfortunately, with Doyle being good at making them Dems toe the party line, I'm not sure if I'd rather see an anti-gun (R) or a pro-gun (D). It's bitten us in the butt twice by losing CCW veto overrides by one or two votes; Doyle got to a few pro-gun Dems and paid them off in one way or another.

    Sounds to me like this is one of the guys trying to stay in office in a place where he could easily be replaced by a pro-gun Democrat. Glen Grothman and Mark Gotleib are my guys - and I couldn't be prouder of their work in office, especially Sen. Grothman. I'm with you, though - a lot of people just vote the party line without looking at things like this. I can honestly say I hope it costs him an election - though I'd still like to see the Republicans in control in this State, as taxes and spending are just WAY out of hand!


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