Friday, November 02, 2007

It All Depends on the Meaning of the Word "Moderate"

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, who has reached across state and party lines to support candidates who agree with his policies, is scheduled to appear in Northern Virginia on Thursday afternoon to endorse State Senator Jeannemarie Devolites Davis, a moderate Republican who is facing a tough fight for re-election.

Democracy in action. I guess if you can convince enough voters that a citizen disarmament extremist is a "moderate," that is redefine the center to a position formerly occupied by the left, you can force the right to move inward--and relegate lunatics like me who believe in "shall not be infringed" to the hinterlands of political irrelevancy.

That way, we can make excuses for our "leaders" negotiating all kinds of compromises, and keep chasing that siren of incrementalism.

Pretty neat trick, and as long as the critical mass needed to keep it from happening remains asleep, apathetic, resigned, fearful or in denial, we can count on the frog staying in the pot.

Interesting character, this Devolites Davis: her Congressthing husband is also a "moderate" republican, meaning GOA gives him a "D" rating. And I gotta wonder if the personal failure of raising a daughter convicted of armed robbery makes blaming guns an easier out than introspection on personal responsibility and ambition-over-parental-attention career choices...


  1. Gun-hater's credo - "Just being in a room where others are drinking
    will make a normally sane adult turn into a mass killer if he is
    legally carrying a gun - that's why Pennsylvania allows its 500,000
    concealed handgun permit holders to carry in restaurants and bars."

    I got but one thing to say on that,remember Lubys in Killeen,Texas!! I'm glad to be one of the 500,000. 20 yrs.ago I drank enough Rare Breed to float a ship,NEVER ONCE thinking of pulling my gun!! Morons!!

  2. So does that mean maybe,that i'm actually insane,since I didn't turn into a mass killer?!?!

  3. Her daughter is a good example of expected results for children of hoplophobes. She wasn't taught about the duty of responsibility, especially when armed. So she acted in a manner just exactly in accordance with her parents' expectations and false prophesy.

    But, it's the gun's fault. Because otherwise the parents must accept the blame for teaching their child that what she did could be excused as the power of an inanimate object took over her mind and character. Just as her parents predicted.

    In her mind she was acting in concert with her parents' belief system, just as any child may be expected to do. But, of course, it's not her fault the gun made her do it. The belief system she wss raised by cannot be faulted because it's "for the children". Just ask the Devolites-Davises.

    I don't anyone needs such failures as representatives. And especially not as leaders. Look where their leadership got their daughter.


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