Friday, November 02, 2007

A National Craving

Against such a backdrop of catastrophe it is easy to portray gun-owners and their favourite politicians as priests in a cult of death.

Yeah, if you have no reservations against being a damned liar, I guess it would be easy.

With some of David Williamson's observations, I thought, just maybe, we might be getting a little rationality in the mix--but the wrap-up in his final sentence pretty much tells us all we need to know about this subject's mindset.


  1. The Irishman in me is frothing for a chance to ....... It's obvious he's from a part of Europe whose ass we saved.

  2. "the sporting upper classess", my ...


  3. what an arrogant, condescending bastard! He has no business saying WE'RE a troubled society.

    And yes, we DO believe that we have the duty to overthrow our gov't when necessary. We did that to you in 1776. Remember that little piece of paper called the Declaration of Independence, Mr. Williamson?

  4. "Many Americans firmly believe they have a constitutional duty to overthrow the state if it becomes a tyranny; .........."-Williamson.

    That statement told me all I need to know about Mr. Williamson. His statement though accurate suggests that it is an unreasonable belief. Had he stated as does our founding bedrock documents he would have state unequivocally that we absolutely have that duty, not just that we "believe" we do, as though there was some doubt of the issue.

  5. It isn't an "American duty" to overthrow a tyrannical government; it is a HUMAN duty. You can choose to fulfill your duties or to be a snivelling piece of ..... something, but the duty doesn't go away just because you find it unpleasant.

  6. People, I must apologize, in rereading the comments I have noticed that my dyslexia is working overtime. Please forgive my transposed words in comments on several comments on several posts.


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