Monday, November 19, 2007

We're the Only Ones Clean Enough

Authorities believe an off-duty Houston police officer was killed Sunday in a gun-cleaning accident at his home.
After decades of cleaning guns without ever coming close to a negligent discharge, I'm left wondering how something like this can happen by accident.

Oh, here's another account that explains it all: "[H]is gun accidentally fired."

So it was the gun's fault.

[More from "The Only Ones" Files]


  1. Condolences to the family of the officer.

    I don't see how it could be an accident though... Every time I clean my guns I wonder how anyone could manage to fatally shoot themselves.

    Wonder if we'll eventually hear the truth given HPD's influence over autopsy reports and the "authorized journalists."

  2. I always just assume that "gun cleaning accident" is a cover phrase for a suicide. Someone is just trying to keep insurance benefits intact.

    Whenever I'm cleaning any of my guns, only snap-caps are present - never any live ammo.


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