Monday, December 31, 2007

Bring it On

My advice to Mr Codrea would be to drop the matter now before it gets seriously out of hand. He and his buddies would also be well advised to figure out how to erase their tracks on Google too.
Drop the matter?

I'm just getting warmed up. You ain't seen nothin' yet. And unlike with you, "anonymous," that's not a veiled threat, it's a promise. And I keep the ones I make.

Erase my tracks? Why would I want to do that? I'm pleased with the truths I've brought to light thus far. And I intend to keep excavating.

Funny thing about threats--unless you carry them out if your demands aren't met, they just come off as fear-driven bluffs, as laughable as the impotent creature making them.

I'm supposed to fear and then heed someone so cowardly he needs to threaten anonymously from the shadows?

I'd say someone is getting desperate and scared. And it's not me.


  1. You know what I haven't seen? A statement from Professor Riley that "NRAFOUREVER's" vile spewings were not actually his. Although as I have already stated, even proving that wouldn't be enough, it would certainly seem to be the place to start.

  2. I wouldn't rely on that so much, as he is under no obligation to address any speculations. One could argue that remaining silent while others acting on his behalf (either with or without sanction) to discourage further discussion is a smart strategy for someone intent on either halting the meme or building a libel case.

    Forget any response from him--just keep pressing on with the truth. I intend to keep doing that, but will probably slow down for a couple days as people have better things to do with their holidays than hang around gun blogs.

    Who knows, maybe later on this week I'll get served papers. That should open up a lot of opportunities to bring things to light.

  3. The thing is, he would have to take us all down. Or try.

  4. This is what the Bravely Anonymous poster claims: ...I'm a very skilled IT consultant with much low-level networking experience and from a telecomms background.

    Based upon that claim, he then offers his professional opinion that all of this disputed information is open to anyone capable of: ...extensive gathering of evidence using federal warrants and extremely expensive forensic networking and computer science expertise...

    After assuring us that all can be revealed no matter how many caches are deleted or blogs shutdown, he then offers this gem of legal advice: My advice to Mr Codrea would be to drop the matter now before it gets seriously out of hand. He and his buddies would also be well advised to figure out how to erase their tracks on Google too.

    I have to seriously doubt the IT expertise of anyone so obviously incapable of utilizing basic logic. After all, logic circuits are what IT is based upon!

  5. "I have to seriously doubt the IT expertise of anyone so obviously incapable of utilizing basic logic. After all, logic circuits are what IT is based upon!"

    That's true. The thing is, logic and all related things are anathema to anti-gunners.

    It's no surprise that your troll made such a mistake.

  6. Far from erasing my tracks, I plan on making more.

  7. Can someone please point out the problem with the logic referred to? I'm obviously too illogical to understand.

    The likelihood is that there will be precious little information available to anyone should they actually find grounds for search warrants at the various ISPs and network hubs. A lot of time and money would likely be wasted. Even if very low-level logs are available for the necessary time periods it would take an awful lot of manpower to piece together what happened.

    You guys are trying to imply that you're prepared to go to such expense in the off-chance of being able to make a case? Don't make me laugh.

    If I had been foolish enough to libel someone in cyber-space then I'd hope I have the sense to get rid of the material if given fair warning to do so. Anyone who knows that they've placed libellous material on the web, been given fair warning to remove it and fails to do so has to be as dumb as a, well, gun nut to put it bluntly.

  8. Translation: You've got nothing and you know it.

    It that the best you've got? Really? Pathetically overused insults and some vague legal threats?

    Pathetic. Even for a PuSH'er.

  9. No he's got a point there, if you've got dirt flying around the metaverse, why not get rid of it?

    buuuut .....
    We don't need to get rid of anything, we're just exposing somebody -who lives in the same place as Alex T Riley, and frequents the same institutions and shares his opinion on gun control- to be a racist bigot who calls for violence and other criminal acts upon those he disagrees with.

    What do WE need to get rid of?

  10. Looks like whoever the anti-gunner is
    HE'S PWNED!!
    My congratulations to all the good guys (David, WoG and others) who helped make this possible.

  11. Anyone who knows that they've placed libellous material on the web, been given fair warning to remove it and fails to do so has to be as dumb as a, well, gun nut to put it bluntly.

    So, Bravely Anonymous troll, who casually refers to complete strangers as "clowns, dumb, and nuts" while lecturing them on libel law, you're trying to tell us that we have libelled someone? And that this offended entity is going to use his awesome IT skills to identify us, sue us, collect all our assets and live comfortably for the rest of his life, do I have that right?

    I already strongly suspect that I know the answers to these questions, but just for the record:

    1) Are you an attorney?

    2) Are you an experienced attorney?

    3) Are you admitted to any bar in the USA?

    4) Have you ever successfully brought a libel case?

    5) Have you ever successfully sued anyone for libel yourself?

    6) Have you ever used your own IT skills to find, identify, and prosecute offenders for libel?

    7) If the answers to the above questions are NO, why are you wasting your time and ours giving us legal advice?

    8) Wouldn't it be a lot more fun to watch us clueless dumb gun-nut clowns go down in flames without any warning from you?

  12. How does one libel an anonymous poster?


  13. Holeeee sheeiiitt!!!!

    A gun nut that can count to eight!

    Ah dun seen everythin' now!

  14. That was very intelligent and astute, anonymous. Thank you for continuing to confirm the value of the arguments that your side brings to the debate.

    It's kind of like putting things on autopilot--all we have to do is sit back and let representatives like you present a basis for comparison.

    Please feel free to drop by anytime. It saves me more work than you know.

  15. I think you misunderstand me. I like guns and, if I could own one, I would.

    I'd like to be able to defend myself from gun-wielding nutters like you. You know, pop a cap in yo' ass. That sort of thing. Damn that dumbass gun nut in Dunblane who screwed up my party.

  16. OHHHHH, you LIKE guns! Well, that's a horse of a different color, Dorothy!

    Well, in that case, let me help you out! See, when you go to your friendly Yob in the Council flat down the lane and across the roundabout, and you buy one of those "reactivated" air pistols that he "converted" to fire real ammunition, just remember two things.

    The bullet comes out of the SMALL hole. The BIG hole in the part that you wrap your greasy fish-n-chip lunchhooks around is where the MAGAZINE goes. The MAGAZINE is the thingy that holds the extra bullets.

    So, keep your boogerhook off of the bangswitch until your mates are all BEHIND you, or you'll chuff 'em all pretty bad.

    And most importantly, don't point the end with the SMALL hole in it at your face, okay?

    Or go ahead. Whatever.

    By Jove, bit of a sticky wicket, wot?

  17. No, I don't think I misunderstand you at all. Your desire to initiate force and kill me because of my beliefs fits perfectly with my initial assessment of you.

    Deranged, hate-filled, murderous and cowardly...yeah, I'd say you're the perfect representative spokesman for your cause.

  18. On second thought, that was FOUR things to remember.

    I'm sorry. Hope I didn't fatally confuse you.

  19. Anon. sez "I like guns and, if I could own one, I would."
    But wouldn't that in effect turn him into a "gun-wielding nutter" who would then want to "You know, pop a cap in" his own "ass. That sort of thing."
    Or did I miss something?

  20. My God Mr Codrea you really are beginning to sound like a hysterical little girl! You think I've made a veiled death threat against you!? Are you twelve and hormonal? I don't know you from Adam but if I were reading this blog fresh I'd think you've just lost any credibility you ever had.

    This is what I said and it wasn't really directed at you in any case. I meant a general "you", not you specifically. I don't think anyone on here is supporting me after all.

    I think you misunderstand me. I like guns and, if I could own one, I would.

    I'd like to be able to defend myself from gun-wielding nutters like you. You know, pop a cap in yo' ass. That sort of thing. Damn that dumbass gun nut in Dunblane who screwed up my party.

    Your selective quoting of it, in an attempt to make it sound like a threat, is pretty pathetic. For a start I referred to gun-wielding nutters "like" you, not you specifically. Furthermore, the "pop a cap in yo' ass" is an virtually all pervasive expression you must hear practically every day. In that case, you must be a very nervous individual indeed if you think everyone is threatening you from 50 Cent down.

    "Wahhh, Mommie, little Johnny said he'd pop a cap in my ass."

    "Don't be silly dear, now run along and play."

    For the record, I have no intention of popping a cap in anyone's ass. I merely find the expression amusing. I'm not the one who owns guns after all, so I rather lack the wherewithal to do anything of the sort. Even if I were to encounter any of you with a gun, presumably you've got more than enough fire power to defend yourselves, so what are you scared of exactly?

    For your information, I visited a gun club on a couple of occassions before the ban and had quite an enjoyable time shooting .45 revolvers and 9mm pistols so I know how to handle a gun, which end the bullet comes out of, etc. Then a gun nut like you guys ruined everything for the law-abiding citizens of the UK. Eventually you will face restrictions on gun ownership, it's inevitable and it probably can't come too soon. Enjoy your pea shooters while you can because you're pissing in the wind.

  21. Anymouse, you are truly an idiot. I read your posts and you come across as a pre teen regurgitating what one of your two mommy's told you. The simple fact of the matter is free man own weapons, slaves do not. Please continue in your role as a slave.

  22. If you are on David's side then don't re-attack him. Clarify your statement! Is your comment - "I'd like to be able to defend myself from gun-wielding nutters like you." - better said as (I'd like to be able to defend myself from criminals. You, David, have that right and I want to have the same freedom as you have to defend myself.)? Ad hominem attacks doesn't win friends and influence enemies.

  23. Let's all look at the Mr. Bravely Anonymous Sock Puppet dance. Watch him start retracting his statements w/ his own definitions of what "is" means and what we "must hear" everyday.

    I haven't heard anyone use that expression in quite a while and ,if directed at me, would take it as a threat.

    Obviously BASP must be taking lessons from Rev. "Snuffy".

  24. Obviously BASP must be taking lessons from Rev. "Snuffy".

    And "Petey" Hamm


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