Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Fair Dinkum Friends

Australians overwhelmingly like American culture, arts and freedoms,but have growing concerns about the country's lack of gun control and social
equality, a survey released on Monday said.
So if we were more Marxist they'd like us better?



That's a tough one, mate. I need to crack open a Foster's and ponder this one.

[Via Bruce Mills]


  1. Does any one seriously think this is an honest survey? Oh, just because it was done by an "Authorized Professor".

  2. It's really mentally liberating when you stop caring what other people think.

  3. I have growing concerns about gun control and the bullshit of social equality.

  4. It really is how they think. You have to remember they are "subjects" and not citizens(for the most part).
    When Columbine happened I was treking in Nepal with a group where everyone else were Brits, Aussies and Qiwi's. Everyone of them blamed "unregulated gun ownership" for the murders and not the little pschopaths. One Qiwi got on my case real bad spouting off about how only the police and military should have guns and how wonderful the NZ forces did as United Nations troops. He just rode me to death about it. I finally craked when he demanded why Americans had to have so many guns. My reply....So we can give the Qiwi UN peace keepers a proper welcome if they come to the US. Dead quiet, for about 2 days.

  5. They should consider themselves lucky that they didn't ask ME.

    I may not yet own one of EVERY gun, but I'm working on it.

    My view of America is as the last great hope for freedom BECAUSE of the availability of guns to its citizens.

    The "culture" promulgated by Hollywood and hip-hop you can keep, but I don't perceive that as "American culture" anyway.

    Individuality, liberty, self-reliance, recognised rights - all these and more are American culture.

  6. Foster's - Australian for "Schlitz".

    Use something else to help you think, please!


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