Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Loyal Opposition

Former President Bill Clinton said Monday that the first thing his wife Hillary will do when she reaches the White House is dispatch him and his predecessor, President George H.W. Bush, on an around-the-world mission to repair the damage done to America's reputation by the current president — Bush's son, George W. Bush.

Clinton is a devotee of Carroll Quigley. He, Hillary and the Bushes exemplify the maxim of "Tragedy and Hope":
The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.

Anybody who thinks they won't get more of the same with any of the anointed Establishment candidates from either party is willfully deluding themselves.

How much more clearly do the masters need to spell it out?


  1. And the meaningful cohesive strategy is???

    Paul? Hunter? Abstention? More Ammo???

    Please surmise

    Fight islam Now

  2. Re: "Anybody who thinks they won't get more of the same with any of the anointed Establishment candidates from either party is willfully deluding themselves.

    How much more clearly do the masters need to spell it out?"

    There it is, David: Republicrats = Democons = Republicrats.... We're being played. And they always tell us how they're doing it! People always tell us who they really are and what they're really doing if we've the courage to stop being our own censors.

    The first step toward achieving a “meaningful cohesive strategy” would be to somehow persuade people to learn the meaning of “Controlled Opposition,” what Lenin was really talking about when he said, "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

    More useful terms: “Stealth Gun Control,” “Hegelian Dialectic,” “False Flag Terror.”

    A good place to start might be by actually reading Quigley’s "Tragedy and Hope.”

  3. Hunter has not established support. I've made no secret of my support for Paul, but did not intend to turn this post into a debate on that so much as to prime for the inevitable--"moderate" gun owners holding their noses for Mitt, Rudy or McCain and blaming those of us who will do no such thing for "throwing away" our votes and giving it to Hillary.

    I hope Paul listens to the growing chorus and runs for the LP when the GOP denies him the nomination.

    That and yeah, more ammo.

    And as Stieger is wont to say: "We've been conned. Bare-ass naked in the town square conned."

  4. The intent of my question is not to flipantly suggest voting for more of the same treason and traitors but to ask;

    "what are gun owners voting for?" More of the same or hitlery?

    It seems to me (at this point) as if a vote for principle / Dr. Paul is equivalent to not voting or voting for hitlery (by dividing the vote)

    If Dr. Paul runs Libertarian, isn't this clinton redux a la Ross Perot?

    If we vote Ron Paul 3rd party, aren't we voting for hitlery???

    I agree, there is NO acceptable candidate on the radar with a record that proves he can be trusted (accept Ron Paul) but, What is the goal? Certainly not to have Dr. Paul elected because, face it, there is zero chance of that.

    If the vote were today, how would you use (or not use) your vote and why?

    Fight islam Now

  5. Ron Paul, without doubt. If Hillary is the by-product, it's because everybody else wasted their votes.

    I'd rather have Hillary than one of the GOP phonies--at least with her there would be the pretense of opposition from the congress and maybe even some genuine gridlock--whereas, if it's Rudy or his clone, the rest of the Republican congress would be politically pressured to go along.

    And besides, Perot got almost 20% of the vote, and he really didn't stand FOR anything aside from some nebulous slogans--Paul could also capture hard core anti-war democrats, so there's a chance that could give him the 30% + needed to eke out ahead--and if not, there are worse things than gridlock.

  6. Hey anon, check out what R.P. is doing across the nation. He is surging, and he DOES have a legitimate shot at Pennslyvania Ave. A whole lot can happen in a years time! Educate yourself and others. And buy more lead.

  7. On RP being "unelectable":

    I was listening to some newsbot interviewing small-town people in Iowa about who they like in the election. One lady said "I like RP. He wants to stay out of my bedroom, he wants government to leave us alone." (I cheer) "But it looks like he can't be elected, so I think I'll support Hillary."

    I about choked on what I was drinking.

    Is "I like RP but he can't win the election" a self-fulfilling prophecy?

    What more do you need to hear to know that you should vote for who you believe is THE BEST CANDIDATE (whoever you believe that to be), not who you "think can win"?



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