Sunday, December 23, 2007


Professor Alexander Tristan Riley thinks we shouldn't have academic debates that present "extremist" points of view, as opposed to those that conform with mainstream "polling data".

Professor Mike Adams assumes that Prof. Riley is either a "liar...simple-minded...[or]...cowardly."

Yeah, that sounds about right.

[Via Mack]


  1. Riley is one of the most malignant little pustules one could ever hope to avoid encountering.

    Oh, by the way, he has also recently become a board member of Ceasefire PA.

    An impressive class of people, those citizen disarmament advocates.

  2. It is worth noting that MLK carried a .38 Special on his person for protection. He was undergunned, but he understood personal responsibility and the value of the second amendment.

    So perhaps we could add a JMB day rather than supplanting MLK with it.

    Otherwise, I agree with Mike.

  3. Oh the extra b stand for "bitchy" I'm out of whiskey. :(

  4. Lie, deny, and blame the other guy. The Communist way, always. Riley is the perfect example of a modern American College Education. I would curse him, except I reserve that for dogs and other deserving animals.

  5. Alexander Riley is putting himself into the public spotlight. He is a cockroach that has already "scattered from the light" by deleting his bigoted, hateful blogs and erasing them from Google's cache. He has a lot to hide. In fact, at this time, it appears that Alex is also NRAFOUREVER who has set up a fake "gun supporter" blog in order to make a strawman he can demolish. I have a sneaky feeling he'll be using his own blog to "illustrate how deranged the gun lobby is" in his new position.

    Cease Fire has made a major misjudgment in their attempt to get new members. This needs to be exposed as quickly and thoroughly as possible. It will be a black eye they won't be able to weasel out of.

  6. King ended up disavowing guns, SA--I don't have a link right now, but he ended up not being the advocate we wish he was.

    Ah, here it is from his autobiography:

    After the bombings, many of the officers of my church and other trusted friends urged me to hire a bodyguard and armed watchmen for my house. When my father came to town, he concurred with both of these suggestions. I tried to tell them that I had no fears now and consequently needed no weapons for protection. This they would not hear. They insisted that I protect the house and family, even if I didn't want to protect myself. In order to satisfy the wishes of these close friends and associates, I decided to consider the question of an armed guard. I went down to the sheriff's office and applied for a license to carry a gun in the car; but this was refused.

    Meanwhile I reconsidered. How could I serve as one of the leaders of a nonviolent movement and at the same time use weapons of violence for my personal protection? Coretta and I talked the matter over for several days and finally agreed that arms were no solution. We decided then to get rid of the one weapon we owned. We tried to satisfy our friends by having floodlights mounted around the house, and hiring unarmed watchmen around the clock. I also promised that I would not travel around the city alone.

    I was much more afraid in Montgomery when I had a gun in my house. When I decided that I couldn't keep a gun, I came face-to-face with the question of death and I dealt with it. From that point on, I no longer needed a gun nor have I been afraid. Had we become distracted by the question of my safety we would have lost the moral offensive and sunk to the level of our oppressors.

    Now it is important that the sheriff denied him a permit--but it is what it is.

  7. Robb, I saw that gun blog and assumed it was just another lame attempt to do what GunGuys already does lamely--it was so blatant I didn't see much chance of anyone mistaking it for a real gun rights advocate.

    Is "Guns Make Us Free" gone now? I saw he linked to WoG, but I wasn't going to reciprocate and drive any traffic his way.

    He may have been able to erase his tracks on Google, but he's left a record on YouTube:

    HA HA LOL LOL YOUR RITE, the libs are STUPIDE! NOT like us, we have smarte names like NRA FOUREVER and WHITECRACKER to show what we think clear and clean! Plus, we barricaede ourself in our house with guns b/c of our fear of the world! Esp. the nigers! Its not b/c were inseckure, its b/c its our RITEs gave by JESIS! Plus we love being intimete with our guns! GO NRA GO!

    This took me all of 30 seconds to find, so I'm sure there is more.

    I think there might be a few black civil rights organizations that would want to know a CeaseFire member scores political points calling people of color "nigers," and ditto, GLAAD would probably be interested in seeing how their members are characterized.

  8. Is "Guns Make Us Free" gone now?

    It seems to be, along with Alex's "Mike S. Adams is Vermin" blog--which was up, I believe, for less than a week.

  9. Ok, David, now I'm on board. If he can't honor his obligation to God to protect God's most valuable gift, then he wasn't the Reverend he should have been, nor the civil rights leader he should have been. I was unaware of his recission of the right and duty of self defense.

  10. Get this: On Riley's website, there is a pretentious French quote: (Bear in mind that Babelfish isn't perfect)

    Je suis un expérimentateur en ce sens que j’écris pour me changer moi-même et ne plus penser la même chose qu’auparavant.

    I am an experimenter in the sense that I write to change me myself and not to more think the same thing but before.

    Stunning, isn't it? The racist, sexist, anti-semitic, homophobic, illiterate bigot "NRAFOUREVER" is actually the person that Professor Alexander Tristan Riley is trying to change into!

    I'd say his efforts are working!

  11. Oh, and I shot him this email:

    I've been following your literary career on various blogs and You-Tube for some time now, and I just came across your Bucknell website.

    Nice quote from Foucault. Lends a bit if sophistication. Je suis un expérimentateur en ce sens que j’écris pour me changer moi-même et ne plus penser la même chose qu’auparavant.

    Here's the fascinating part: I am an experimenter in the sense that I write to change me myself ...

    Stunning, isn't it? The racist, sexist, anti-semitic, homophobic, illiterate bigot "NRAFOUREVER" is actually the person that you, Professor Alexander Tristan Riley, is trying to change into!

    How's that working for ya?

    Managed to find and delete all the Google caches yet?

    Better get started on You-Tube, too. You're all over the place.

    All due respect, which is to say NONE AT ALL,

  12. I would definitely be interested in seeing any reply you get, Gaviota.

    Truth be told, I'm investing more contempt in our little pseudo-intellectual than he's worth, but "in for a penny; in for a pound," as they say.

  13. A. Riley's reply:

    I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about, but Merry Christmas to you as well.

    I dunno. If I received an email from a complete stranger suggesting that I was a "racist, sexist, anti-semitic, homophobic, illiterate bigot" and that evidence of such was all over Google and You-Tube, I think I'd be asking a question or two.

    But that's just me...


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