Friday, December 21, 2007

"Privileges" Watch

“Public opinion polls show that, although more than 60 percent of Americans erroneously believe the Constitution gives them a right to be armed, only a minority of Americans believe that it should grant that right,” The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence Legal Action Project declares.

They’re right, you know, if not in their percentages, then certainly in their assertion. If you believe the Constitution gives you the right to be armed, you’re simply and demonstrably wrong. If you think the Constitution should grant you that right, sorry, you’re wrong again.

"'Privileges' Watch," my Rights Watch column for the Feb. 2008 issue of GUNS Magazine, is now online.

I kind'a wish they didn't post these to their website so soon--I do my "Shameless Plugs" hoping to help generate magazine sales...


  1. . . . hoping to help generate magazine sales...

    Speaking of magazine sales, I have (twice, I believe) tried to subscribe online. Shortly thereafter, I've gotten something in the mail offering a very nice deal on a subscription, and I think to myself "Gee, it would be nice to get that deal--too bad I've already committed to a subscription at the regular price." But then, it seems that I'm not subscribed after all.

    It gets a bit confusing, and at this point, I still don't have a subscription.

  2. I'll forward this to my editor. We just write the thing...

  3. If it gives anyone a warm fuzzy I subscribed to the mag after stumbling across Th War on Guns. I had picked is up at the bookstore before, but your blog reminded me that they employ critically thinking writers.

  4. Hey 45, I've had the same problem...twice. I still have no mag,and have been waiting for someone there to reply back to my e-mail inquiries. At least their gun rights writer is a prompt fellow,even if he does say his guns talk! Guffaw!

  5. Great column David!

    Far too often the distinction you highlighted is lost on pro 2nd Amendment persons.

    It is an important point and one seldom made.

  6. Well, now I feel dumb--my first issue (Feb.) of Guns Magazine arrived today.

    Guess I just hadn't whined enough.

  7. I urge everyone who has bought a subscription to Guns because of David, to write the editors and/or subscription department and tell them he is the reason. I have done so when I first subscribed. I told them I understood no gun magazine ever found a gun they didn't like, especially if the manufacturer advertised in their publication and provided examples of their wares for critique.

    In that aspect all gun rags are pretty much the same, with the exception of Gun Tests. The quality of Guns is superb, but the only unique thing they have going for them is David Codrea and his Rights Watch column.

    We might as well let them know why we buy and what we appreciate and expect.


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