Sunday, December 16, 2007

Red Sky in Morning

An elementary student in Marion County was arrested Thursday after school officials found her cutting food during lunch with a knife that she brought from home, police said.

The 10-year-old girl, a student at Sunrise Elementary School in Ocala, was charged possession of a weapon on school property, which is a felony.

"Sunrise Elementary School--Where the Sun Never Sets on Learning."

I'll say. That'll teach her!

These are the contemptible kneejerk bureaucrats responsible. In true Orwellian fashion, they even have a page against bullying.

This is truly insanely evil.

Here's the principal's email address.

[Via Jeffrey H]


  1. My daughter is in fifth grade at a local private school. They spend Wednesdays with a nature focus, outdoors whenever possible, learning to make fire, keep warm, recognize edible plants, etc. and in general having a blast. Their daily "To-Bring" list includes weather appropriate clothing (wool, silk, or polyester), a change of clothes, a healthy snack & lunch, a water bottle, a nature journal, a backpack, and a sharp knife.

    Much of America has gone insane, but not all of it.

  2. The most that should have happened unless the little girl threatened someone is to let her know that was strike one and don't do it again. Arresting a child who DID nothing wrong is absurd. But we can have a serious debate on whether a gang-banging 17yr old murderer should be tried as a juvenile and that's OK.

  3. That's a nice page on bullying they got, now I wonder if they actually DO anything about bullying at school, or they are too afraid of the parents of bullies to talk to those parents about their kids behavior.

    When I was a kid (like 7 or 8 years old), older kids in my school used to beat the shit out of me quite regularly, on school grounds, and when I would go to my teacher, all bloody and bruised, they would just tell me that they could do nothing since they did not see it happen.

    And folks wonder why I don't trust authority figures.

  4. Here is my email Isaac Burgess (the principal);

    Mental illness is the topic of this email.

    I have read of the arrest of 10 year old for using an implement to cut her food at lunch at your school.

    Are you crazy? Never mind that, I should not have asked. Obviously you are a dangeer to society and yourself due to your break with reality and sound judgment. Of course you are crazy. But you are other things, too. You are a cowardly, ignorant, lickspittle, You have not the courage to use judgment or accept responsibility for behaving as a productive adult member of society.

    I won't call you a stupid bastard because that would be inflammatory, and I already know what a pantywaist you are, and it would be unkind of me to hurt your feelings, assuming, of course, you have evolved enough to have sentiments. But may I suggest you are not the brightest bulb on the genealogical tree of a long line of unmarried people?

    Wow! I didn't think I could restrain myself to keep this so polite. However, please do not assume my declination of saying how I really feel about you and other drones who work to curry favor within an employment structure to the detriment of their nation was out of deference to you. It was not. I simply am trying to not use the appropriate, though obscene language necessary.


    (Signed with my real name)


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