Monday, March 19, 2007

An Obvious Solution

Two weeks ago, residents received a [letter? notice?] from their homeowners' association indicating that guns are not allowed on the property.

So defy this stupid rule, fire the board and elect new officers. These people are supposed to work for you.

Oh, wait...

Here's Looking at YOU, Kids

New research suggests playing action video games that involve firing guns such as "Gears of War," Lost Planet," and "Halo" can improve your eyesight.

I wouldn't be surprised if the same phenomenon occurs from shooting real guns. Tell me as a kid you wouldn't have rather heard "Let's go to the range" than "Eat your carrots--they're good for your eyes."

Plus it'll have the side benefit of sticking it to anti-gun pediatricians.

Sick People

"These are sick people," he said in January when questioned about the giveaway at the Mayors Against Illegal Guns summit in the District. "And if they think that this is funny, I don't think that the parents or the spouses or the children of those that get killed with illegal guns would find that very entertaining."

How about the relatives of those killed with "legal guns," Bloomberg, you loathsome traitor?

BATFU: Puerto Rico Going to the Dogs Because of US Freedom

Authorities complain that airline regulations make it tougher to transport a dog to Puerto Rico than a suitcase full of guns and ammunition.

Yeah, and Teddy Bears are more highly regulated than guns--at least when it comes to flammability of stuffing and plastic eyes that can't be pulled off and swallowed.

Good grief.

It's true here, too. There is no requirement to certify your firearm has had current shots. You don't need to put it in an approved pet handling cage. And you don't have to pay extra for the container it is in as long as you haven't exceeded your luggage allotment.


Oh, and by all means never transport firearms less than 8 weeks old, and you may want to place an old blanket in their container for comfort.

Looks like the creepy BATFUers have found themselves another apples and oranges sound bite to exploit. And "fair and balanced" FOX News is either too dumb or complicit to dig just a tiny bit deeper.

Alistair's Glass House

The black kids got on the bus and the driver shut the door. Riley ran across the front of our car and tried to get onto the bus. You could hear screams. Riley was smiling and tried to pry open the door. He swung the pipe at the door and busted the glass. Then he swung at the nearest window and caved it in. He kept busting windows until the bus pulled away. Up until that point it was the most terrible thing I’d ever witnessed, I think, and I think about it all the time. The look on his face. The kids in the bus.

Meanwhile, Alistair Highet was helpless to do anything against a rampaging adolescent animal threatening lethal violence except be horrified. Tell me that the driver simply revealing a holstered pistol wouldn't have sent young "Riley" scurrying.

And Alistair has the gall to refer to others who do not share his despicable helplessness as "cowards." Sounds like resentment to me.

Is it really a surprise Riley targeted him at the dance, as opposed to boys who could handle themselves?

[Via Dan Gifford]

This Day in History: March 19

On this day in 1734, Patriot politician Thomas McKean is born to Scots-Irish Presbyterian parents in Chester County, Pennsylvania. He will eventually serve as president of the state of Delaware, president of the U.S. Congress under the Articles of Confederation and chief justice of Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court.