Friday, May 25, 2007

Oh, I Don't Know, Let's See...

Sen. Russ Karpisek says he’s a gun-loving redneck.

And he gets a lot of business at his meat market from hunters.

“I’m not intending to anger the NRA,” the Wilber senator said, “but why on earth would you need a concealed weapon in a hospital?”
Yeah--it's not like the friends of shot up gang members ever drop by for a visit.

Meathead. Why don't you take your "Wilber Wiener" and...

[Via JoeMerchant24]

Kaine Shows True Colors

In a move to capitalize on the VT shooting Gov. Tim Kaine of VA is looking for restrictions on how much ammo a citizen my have. He is “troubled” that a citizen could “stockpile” ammo without the police knowing about it.

Surprise, surprise.

Time to Disarm Authorized Journalists?

The editor of The Baltimore Examiner was arrested and charged with threatening his next-door neighbors with a shotgun, police said Thursday.

No! Not The Baltimore Examiner that editorialized:
Now, there’s a generation of young people who simply reach for the gun when they feel they’ve been slighted.

Not The Baltimore Examiner that admitted:
In 2002 the entire Dawson family — Carnell and Angela and their five children — were murdered in their city home for standing up to drug dealers in their neighborhood. And the state’s highest court ruled earlier this month that relatives could not sue the city for failing to protect the family, who placed 109 calls to 911 or 311 between Jan. 1, 2000, and Oct. 16, 2002, about illegal activity in their neighborhood.

While the crime was horrible, police must not be held criminally liable for failing to prevent murders.

"Authorized journalists" certainly have no problem advocating you and I can't be trusted with a gun. I wonder how much of that is projection--because they know they can't trust themselves?

The Numbers Racket

In San Francisco, there are 41,614 registered semiautomatic pistols and 14,886 revolvers, Lenore Anderson, director of the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, told The Examiner on Thursday.
And how many are there that aren't registered, Lenore?

You have no idea, do you, you fraud.

We're the Only Ones Hambriento Enough

A 4-year-old child found a gun while out to dinner with his family at Azteca Mexican Restaurant last Saturday night...The restaurant manager confirms a police officer called and said he had left his bag at the restaurant...
I guess there will be no charges because the "authorized journalists" whose primary function is to act as a watchdog over government don't have the resources to find out who he is.

A representative from the Tacoma Police Department says it is not a violation of policy to forget a weapon...
Not if you're an "Only One" it isn't.

[Via Paul Grant]

Thompson and Paul Leading GOP Straw Poll

It wasn't that way yesterday. No doubt the yellow stripers in the middle will dismiss this as "spamming," instead of showing how motivated gun owners are against the Big Tent Sale charlatans.

I'm a Paul man myself, but Thompson is looking pretty good on the gun issue. Those two as a team could reignite the fire in activist bellies that establishment darlings Romney, Giuliani and McCain are doing their best to douse.

[Via Joe McCutcheon]

Expert Opinions

Samaha is turning into an advocate for gun safety, though. He did not know much about the subject before his 18-year-old daughter, Reema, became a victim, but now, he said he’s becoming somewhat of an expert.
"Expert." In a month-and-a-half. How the ignorant can cheapen a word...
If Virginia Tech students had legal permits to carry firearms on campus, the panel agreed it probably wouldn’t have mattered. If anything, they said, it would have made things worse.
And you can believe it because they said so. No doubt they're experts.
"If you open fire in a school, you will be eliminated," said Frederick Rappina, a Fairfax County police officer with the youth services division, and a Robinson Secondary school resource officer.
Frederick must be an expert if he can do this while hiding behind a tree.

Lauren Glendenning has proven herself to be an expert "authorized journalist." Why, if one didn't know better, and most don't, they'd perceive this hit job to be a straight news story.

Extra Special Bonus Expert: Read the story through and you'll find a guest appearance by expert turncoat "Judas" Bob Ricker.

[Via 45superman]

SF Stormtroopers

"Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn't mean that we're not going to walk into that home and check to see if you're being responsible and safe in the way that you conduct your affairs," Harris said.
Cryptic Subterranean has further commentary on the communist parasite dictatorship of San Francisco.

Sad thing is, most of their slaves would ridicule this post.

We're the Only Ones Not Clicking it Enough

I know--you're not required to wear a seat belt on private property. The reason I included this post is, the other day I drove by one of those "Click it or Ticket" billboards warning us if we did not employ state-approved personal safety devices, enforcers would take us hostage and kill us if we resisted. Simultaneously, a radio spot was playing with the same message, and at the end of it, an announcer said something to the effect of "Brought to you by the US Department of Transportation."

And that got me to thinkin': Where the hell is the Constitutional authority for fedgov to be spending money on this? And why is it me and everyone I personally know will labor for the rest of our lives and not be able to sustain the cost of this boondoggle via the extorted fruits of our labors, and this is but one obscure little tentacle...

Republicans have been traditionally supported by the conservative-minded under certain assumptions: smaller government, less taxes, protective of sovereignty, supportive of gun ownership, those kinds of things...

I look at the current crop of traitors leading the pack and I look at "The Only One" currently behind the wheel and fear the sell-out is damn near complete.

[Via WmH]