Thursday, May 31, 2007
Look Who Else Showed Up
So--is the Cardinal gonna strap 'em on and finally do something about this rebellious embarrassment to the Church (and to humanity) or not?
Hey, Look Who Showed Up
I wonder if the IRS looked at this particular computer, how much political activism-related work product and correspondence they'd find?
Shameless Plug: Grabbers All
So we need to vote Republican, right?
Yeah, if you agree with Rudy Giuliani that we need federal licensing and testing to own a gun, and that semiautos should be banned...
Or take John McCain—please!
...The third “big” name among GOP contenders is former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney...
"Grabbers All" is my Rights Watch column for the July 2007 issue of GUNS Magazine, on sale now at gripping newsstands throughout the Republic. (I actually liked my working title, "Heil to the Chief!" but then again, no one ever accused me of being tactful and delicate.)
Also, a psychologist wrote a nice letter about my Frank Melton article in the Crossfire section (pg 6).
BONUS: See pg 92 to find out how you can win a Vega Diamond Double Elite over & under 20-gauge shotgun, imported from Turkey by ADCO Sales.
The Pfleger Cover-Up Begins
Vince Clark, a spokesman for Pfleger, told Cybercast News Service Wednesday that the pastor wasn't aware of the violent connotation of "snuff" and didn't mean to threaten bodily harm. (Listen to Pfleger's comments)
"I've never heard that compared before with the word murder," Clark said. "He [Pfleger] was never aware of that. If that was the case he would never have used that language."
Right, Vince. The guy lives in da hood, throws out street slang like "the Benjamins," and no one has any idea what snuffing someone out means. And for gun owners to protest this lunatic's rantings "is uncalled for."
As for that Church hierarchy we're hoping will do something about this:
James Accurso, a spokesman for the Chicago Archdiocese...told Cybercast News Service that the church had no plans to take disciplinary action against Pfleger.
No, of course not. They're afraid of him, afraid he'll make a big stink, leave the priesthood and take his congregation with him. They have abdicated all authority for St. Sabina. It's no longer God's house, it's Mike Pfleger's. The rogue is calling the shots.
OK, what about the "authorized journalists," like our pals at The Trib? Nope, nothing there about this controversy, and that's no surprise to those of us who have been paying attention. Yuri Orlov gave us the reporter's reaction yesterday in a comment to a related post:
"Thank you for writing. If you read my story, you saw that I included very little of what was said at this rally. I was assigned to cover this story and assigned a certain amount of space for it. I did not include Father Pfleger's comments because I did not find them germane to the subject. I also will say it did not strike me as a threat of imminent violence. It sounded like a typical rally speech."
Well, we can see how much help we can count on there.
And what about the tax exempt issue reported by WarOnGuns? Forget coverage by any major media. And if you look at the links to that post, not many gun bloggers consider it meriting a mention, either, although I am grateful to KABA for posting it, as well as you few others.
Ah well. We do what we can.
Armed and Safe (45superman has done a great job spreading the word and posting to forums. Many thanks, Kurt.)
We're the Only Ones Knee-Capping Daddy's Little Girl Enough
An off-duty New Haven police officer shot and wounded his 18-year-old daughter, apparently mistaking her for an intruder after she sneaked out of their Stratford home and re-entered through the basement.
Cryptic Subterranean has some threat assessment advice for us non-"Only Ones."
We need it, because unlike Cappy Pappy, (or would that be Coppy Poppy?) we would probably be charged.
Idaho Rifle Clinic
Western Rifle Shooters Association is having an intermediate rifle clinic on July 7/8 in Kooskia, ID.
Follow the title link to learn more, including what you'll need, what you'll learn, where you'll stay, how much it will cost, etc., and please pass the info on to your gun owner friends.
Follow the title link to learn more, including what you'll need, what you'll learn, where you'll stay, how much it will cost, etc., and please pass the info on to your gun owner friends.
Nebraska Gun Owner Action Alert
From JoeMerchant24:
He has several posts explaining more. Please pass this info on to your friends in Nebraska and ask them to make the calls and spread the word.
John Lott
The War on Guns
I couldn't readily find if NRA or GOA have action alerts out to their members to ask the governor to veto this bill, but due to time constraints only gave their respective sites a cursory once-over. If anyone can shed some light on this, please enter a "Comment," below.
We need help here in Nebraska.
LB97 passed this morning, expanding the number of gun-free zones.
We need to get all of you to call Governor Dave Heineman at 402-471-2244 and politely ask him NOT TO SIGN LB97!!!!
There are so few days left in the session, we can pocket veto this.
There are talking points to be made to the guv at
He has several posts explaining more. Please pass this info on to your friends in Nebraska and ask them to make the calls and spread the word.
John Lott
The War on Guns
I couldn't readily find if NRA or GOA have action alerts out to their members to ask the governor to veto this bill, but due to time constraints only gave their respective sites a cursory once-over. If anyone can shed some light on this, please enter a "Comment," below.
This Day in History: May 31
Whereas by an Address presented to his Majesty by both Houses of Parliament in February last, the American Colonies are declared to be in a State of actual Rebelion, we conceive that all Laws and Commissions confirmed by, or derived from the Authority of the King or Parliament, are annulled and vacated, and the former civil Constitution of these Colinies for the present wholly suspended...
That the several Militia Companies in this county do provide themselves with proper Arms and Accoutrements, and hold themselves in Readiness to execute the commands and Directions of the Provincial Congress, and of this committee.