Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Welcome, Chicago Tribune

There will always be a place here at The War on Guns for "authorized journalists."

So-- are you going to report on this Mike Pfleger business, or what?

(My money's on "or what.")


Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Hey--I got a visit too (but not a 17+ minute one)!

Yuri Orlov said...

I had an email discussion with the author of the Tribune article who said:

"Thank you for writing. If you read my story, you saw that I included very little of what was said at this rally. I was assigned to cover this story and assigned a certain amount of space for it. I did not include Father Pfleger's comments because I did not find them germane to the subject. I also will say it did not strike me as a threat of imminent violence. It sounded like a typical rally speech."
