Sunday, June 03, 2007

Thanks for Doing the Heavy Lifting

45superman just saved me from having to spend time commenting on a Milwaukee enuretic.

Good job.

New WarOnGuns Poll: Snuffing Snuffy

I'd hoped to do a follow-up this week to the previous poll that asked how much money WarOnGuns visitors donated to pro-gun groups. This time, I was going to focus on how much time you give toward protecting the right to keep and bear arms.

We'll need to save that one for another day. Events pertaining to rogue priest Father Michael "Snuffy" Pfleger justify a more timely use of that space.

Go on over to the left margin and weigh in on what you think the most effective way to deal with him should be.

50% Want Stronger Gun Laws

Many adults in the United States believe their country requires tougher firearm legislation, according to a poll by Opinion Research Corporation released by CNN.
CNN? Well then, it must be true.

And I'm sure the respondents are all well versed in the state of existing gun laws.

By definition, 50% of a given population will always be in the bottom half...

"Think of it as Anti-Michael Moore Movie Premiere"

No, think of it as a pro-freedom movie premiere. The antis are the ones who are against things.

Still, it's nice to see a press report on the premiere of JPFO's "The Gang" at Red's Trading Post. If you missed Ryan Horsley's comment on the WarOnGuns post, it was indeed chilling and infuriating:
Following the JPFO Alert of my interview with "Talkin to America" we were greeted by 3 ATF Agents, one of which was the Area Supervisor who traveled from Spokane, Washington to inspect us.
It appears those who erroneously believe themselves to be our masters will brook no insolence.

We're the Only Ones Illegally "Legal" Enough

A 5-year veteran of the Milwaukee police force is on suspension and accused of living under a false identity since taking the name of a dead cousin eight years ago...

Ayala-Cornejo was charged with falsely representing himself as U.S. citizen, carrying up to three years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

So if you had resisted arrest, could you claim he had no authority to detain you in the first place? Would you have been "legally" justified to counter his potentially lethal force with equivalent force of your own?

I see plenty of challenges to previous convictions in the making...

But not to worry-- a "solution" to this dilemma is being worked on as we speak.

[Mas de "Los Uniquos" archivos...]

This Day in History: June 3

As in the detached state of the Artillery, the men often suffer for want of Surgeons, it being impossible for their own regimental Surgeons to take due care of them, dispersed as they are, over the whole line -- Each Brigadier is to see that the regimental Surgeons of his brigade pay every necessary attention to the detachment of artillery annexed thereto.