"As Easy to Get as Water Ice"

At lunchtime today, Lynne Korman Honickman will start screaming.

On a stage at LOVE Park, the Philadelphia philanthropist who is married to one of the wealthiest men in town will tell anyone in earshot that she has put her money and mouth behind an issue that should have more people like her outraged: gun violence.

It's not just a black problem or an inner-city problem. When kids kill kids with weapons as easy to get as water ice, it's everyone's crisis.

"What child in the United States should have to cringe in fear walking to school, running around on a playground, just being?" the 71-year-old Honickman asked.

Another sheltered dilettante dowager with more money than brains.

Hubby Harold is a big Pepsi hocho. Which means buying Pepsi enables his ignorant but influential wife.

The hell with that. I'll be damned if I'll give aid and comfort to my screaming enemy.

How about you?


The vision is to demonstrate through the powerful voices of we the mothers, we the grandmothers, we the sisters, we the daughters, we the friends that gun violence in our cities will no longer be tolerated.
I don't suppose it occurs to anyone that some of the women involved in this nonsense are the biggest enablers, breeders, feeders and shelterers of the thug monsters doing all the killing. But I guess if they can blame guns, they don't need to examine their own poor choices and their own culpability.

The intent is to scream and to keep on screaming for the violence to stop…to keep screaming until the children in our communities and neighborhoods are safe…to keep on screaming until a deafening roar of advocacy reaches the ears and hearts of our lawmakers…

Hmm. My intent is for women not to have to scream--or if they do, to make it a command, like "Stop of I'll shoot!" as opposed to the animal howlings of a victim who knows she's going to die and can't bear another second of agony and degradation.

Now I Understand

This is a job for Zero Tolerance!

I wonder what they would have done to me...?

Incrementalism Illustrated

A picture being worth a thousand words and all that...

The Worst Mayor in America

I run Jackson. I do it in a weird way, but I run Jackson.

Here's a nice little summary about my old buddy Frank Melton. I guess when you show up in force looking official, no one dares shoot--no matter how much you deserve it.

Any wonder why he's an enthusiastic member of Mayors Against Guns?

[Via ryanmguard]

Extreme Mitt Romney

I firmly believe in the importance of responsible gun ownership and sales. As a member of the National Rifle Association, I do not believe that we need any more federal gun control laws. I also recognize that some types of extreme weapons, those which were not meant for hunting, sport, or self-defense, have no business being on the streets.

Mitt Romney, you have no business being on the streets. As a public official who betrayed his oath to uphold the Constitution, you belong behind bars with every other traitor who spat on the rights of his countrymen for personal gain.

Along with recalling Joaquin Jackson, I'd like to see a movement demanding you be expelled from NRA. But seeing as how Fairfax management violated their own bylaws and never even responded to my call to do that to the grotesque Michael Moore, I don't see that happening.

"Extreme weapons." Nice. Thanks, Mitt. That's gotta be right up there with with "military style handguns."

We're the Only Ones Diplomatic Enough

On the other hand, if a diplomat is caught with an illegal weapon, he (or she) does have immunity from U.S. law: "He cannot be detained, he cannot be prosecuted, he cannot be searched," Alvarez noted.

More outrageous, in-your-face hypocrisy from our international friends who want to disarm us on a global scale--you know, the ones with the twisted gun barrel statue in front of their headquarters.

The "authorized journalist's" assumption that African genocide requires arms from a New York gun shop notwithstanding (ice cubes to Eskimos and all that), the outright corruption in this story stinks worse than just about anything I have read in recent years.

It's stipulated that New York's draconian gun laws are in force for ordinary herd animals, and that Jovino's deals primarily with "Only Ones"--so what can we deduce from it also being "one of the biggest suppliers of guns to New York's criminal class"? And if so, why is it and other NYC retailers apparently immune from Bloomberg's lawsuit crusade (were I one of his out-of-state victims, I'd be investigating that, looking for any hint of quid pro quo "protection")?

As an aside, neat trick there, Mr. Weinstein, reclassifying semiauto pistols as "military-style handguns." Yeah, prove government is corrupt, then give them all the propaganda cover they need to usurp a monopoly of force.

Agenda, anyone?

[Via Thomas H]

This Day in History: October 24

October 24, Washington writes to the Falmouth, Maine, Safety Committee to explain why he cannot send the detachment from his army they request. Throughout the war, the British attempt to lure Washington into committing his whole army to battles he cannot win, or, into weakening it by sending out detachments to meet British incursions.